It’s Fun To Be Ukrainian

Merry Christmas to my family and friends!

 ‘z Rizdvom Khrystovym’  if you speak Ukrainian

ukrainiane christmas

Some older folks will also say, ‘Kristos Razdayestsya’, which is

‘Christ is born’.

While we won’t be exchanging more gifts or eating the traditional meal, I do like to honour my dad and my grandparents by being mindful of my heritage. My Grandparents were both born in Canada, but their parents arrived here with little more than a suitcase in 1899.

Grandpa John is far right and Grandma Anne is first lady on the right
Grandpa John is far right and Grandma Anne is first lady on the right

Growing up, my grandpa John lived with us and we always left our tree up for Ukrainian Christmas and so I still do too. More Christmas? Why not? It’s fun to be Ukrainian.

When I was little

Related Posts at Boomdeeadda

Celebrating My Heritage 

Celebrating My Heritage – Part 2, Just Over The Hill

Thankful For Their Sacrifices

Back To A Simpler Time

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Lucky me, I have a dedicated craft room and currently on the Cut File Team for Paige Taylor Evans. I mostly enjoy making 12x12 layouts and Mini Albums. Thanks so much for coming by 💛

35 thoughts on “It’s Fun To Be Ukrainian

    1. Thank you Sarah, I’m luck to have my Aunty Kathleen to tell me about the past and we get out to events together. I don’t have kids to pass it on too unfortunately, so I try and enjoy it as much as I can.


    1. Thanks again Rob, probably taken on one of those old ‘Brownies’ with the big fat bulbs in the giant reflector. Funny thing is that old sofa would probably rock my world now…maybe in a aqua corduroy in the den.


    1. Thank you! I wish I knew more about the cooking side. With the help of my Aunty, we are discovering our family history and attempting to preserve it for future family. Merry Christmas back to you and thanks for your message!


    1. Thank you Jen, I love old photos too. I’m lucky to have a few, wish there were more. Can you imagine 70 years from now…everyone takes soooo many pictures now…not like back then.


    1. Look! we’re learning Ukrainian together. HA, thank you Alys…Do you do any special tradition with the Mr today? I love these old photo’s of my grandparents too. I believe it was around 1928. They’re so young. My grandfather would have been 24 & my grandma only 21…..just youngsters.
      That pic of Ken & I might have been ’63…there’s a lot of pictures on that bench but oddly I don’t remember having a piano…might have been left at the rental. We were kinda cute, ha but you’re so sweet to say…as always xoK


      1. Mike took the boys out for doughnuts (Krispy Kreme) while I was in Pilates class. (Good thing, right?)

        In the past the used to buy small gifts, but since his parents died, he seems to have lost steam.


        1. O, that is Jim’s favourite treat when we are in California. I have never had one…I can’t even imagine how many calories are in one, yikes.
          You are the dedicated one Alys, that’s a very good thing. I have not gotten motivated yet at all….I’m so bad. I can totally understand, by the time Christmas is done, it’s hard to think about another celebration.


        2. They are delicious and loaded with calories. Resist if you can! They really taste good warm, too. The one local to us is small, but we used to run up to the Mt. View store where they have a bigger “factory” operation. It was fun when the boys were small.

          Don’t give me too much credit. I faced the music at WW today: I’m up 2.2 pounds over the month of December, and up 9 pounds since my October birthday. On the plus side, fruits and vegetables all day.


        3. I am giving you a standing ovation!!!! and a good amount of applause. I’m going to my Aunties for lunch Thurs, so no ww for me this week…I don’t know how much I’ve gained..nothings too tight, but I can tell I haven’t been exercising…soft and mushy LOL. Good for you Alys, I admire you for going to face the music.


        4. Thank you for that. It feels good to be back to it. I got in two hours of exercise this morning, fitness camp at 6 and a walk at 8:30 with a friend. Fruits, veggies, nuts, water, and tea. Repeat.

          Have fun with your Auntie!


    1. Thank you so much for your seasonal wishes. My grandparents were both born in Canada, but yes, their parents were both from Bukovyna and settled near Star Alberta.
      Merry Christmas!


        1. OMG, small world right? I can’t wait to catch up on your posts….there’s been a project in Alberta to honour the Ukrainian pioneers that settled here before 1914, it’s at the Ukrainian Village, it’s one of the links in this post if you are interested. 😀 glad to have found you.


    1. Hi Lea, thank you and how sweet of you to say. My Great Grandparents came from what was then the Austrian Empire, my Grandma Anne in the photo, was tall and blonde which was a little unusual for that day and age. Most of us Ukrainians are on the short side. You may have seen pictures of my Dad and Brothers in other posts here, and yes, they were heartbreakers..HA (or I think so anyways). Thanks so much for your message.


    1. Thanks Valerie, I had a very unconventional celebration…met my Aunty Kathleen and dear friend Lil for breakfast…ordered french toast…I guess I can call it Ukrainian toast today, since all three of us are Ukrainian…LOL xK


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