Is It That Time Already?

We’re lucky to have a little park in our complex, even luckier that it has a rock water feature.  I love listening to the trickle of water all summer long from my craft room window.

Yesterday, the garden crew came to rake all the golden leaves and turned off the fountain.  Thus signalling the end of a glorious season.

The weather’s taken a bit of a dip today, it really does feel like fall. In fact, it’s only 11 C or 51 F at 2:30pm.  I think the forecast for the weekend might be 17 C on Sunday, so back to seasonal then (for us anyways).

I’ve been procrastinating about emptying my garden planters that line our porch.  It seems like only yesterday that I hung them up. I’m super tickled that they’ve done so well all summer long.  Along with Petals and Blossum, they’ve been a nice bit of color to great us at the door.

I did empty the large pots a few weeks back and bought a giant potted mum for $6.49 at Superstore.  It’s the best $6.49 I’ve ever spent because it’s still blooming nicely and looks super cheery at the door.

It’s starting to look a wee bit odd that I still have these colorful plants blooming on our porch while everyone else is putting out pumpkins and Halloween decor.  I just can’t bring myself to emptying them while they’re still doing so well.  I just think “is it that time already”?

Have you put your summer pots to bed in the shed?

Find more garden news at:

Garden Sunshine

Gardening Nirvana

The Pyjama Gardener

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Lucky me, I have a dedicated craft room and currently on the Cut File Team for Paige Taylor Evans. I mostly enjoy making 12x12 layouts and Mini Albums. Thanks so much for coming by 💛

20 thoughts on “Is It That Time Already?

  1. Thanks so much for the links to my blog you are such a sweet heart Boom! I waited until my pots looked absolutely terrorized before I chucked them. I love your bright and colourful accents on your front porch. Such artistic flair you have!


    1. LOL, you have made me laugh with that one. I never thought of it that way, but yah yah, terrorized is such a good adjective. They froze hard 3 nights ago, the -10 nonsense. I went to empty them and they were frozen solid…even the watering pail was a giant ice cube. After one night in the garage, they’re all empty and cleaned up, ready for pines and cedar and what not….thanks for your sweet comment too. 🙂


  2. Great pcs. of ur front porch. If I was in ur shoes I would let the frost take care of them. The seaon is much too short so keep them as long as possible. Eat ur heart
    s out neighbors??? LUL


    1. Haaaa, I think the neighbors here probably have other things going on…young people, they’re out living it up! Last night must have been cool, I had Basil on the back deck and it’s a toast this morning. But everything else is still looking fine, I think the snaps actually relish this weather…thanks for your message Aunty, xoK


  3. They look so pretty. I wouldn’t part with them till the bitter end. I’ve still got a few yellow snapdragons as well. They’ve been a hardy bunch this year. I can see the same is true for you. I love that yellow mum in your big pot. Those were my mom’s favorites. They’re lovely.

    I’m sorry to hear they turned off the fountain, but it you get a freeze, I suppose it makes sense. It’s a pretty one.

    Your patio garden is glorious.


    1. I might just let the weather dictate the outcome. Tommorrow morning we might see some frost around Edmonton but probably not downtown. I might consider it a challenge to see how long they’ll actually last. I did get a pumpkin today though, so baby steps. I like the yellow mums so much more than the fall colors, but when this one is done, I might go with burgundy or mauve just to get into the fall look. I know we still have nice days ahead, so I’ll probably get one more giant mum then on to cedars and such. The snaps do seem to entertain the best at this time of year. Slow pokes but I love them too. Thanks for visiting, you probably watched the debate? I did for a while, but lost interest as I was surfing Pinterest.


      1. I did watch the debate, but was disappointed. It seemed like bickering over facts that they both contradicted and I felt bad for Jim Lehrer. I had really been looking forward to it, but it just didn’t get me excited the way I had hoped.

        I hope Obama wins this race. I find Romney insincere and smug most of the time, and doubt he’s what this country needs.

        Truth be told, I want to vote for Michelle Obama. I wish she would run. Or Ellen…


        1. I guess I shouldn’t have an opinion, but yes I agree, it wasn’t as riveting or revealing as I had thought it might be. I would totally campaign for Michelle, I think she’s fabulous, down to earth, sincere, articulate and smart…great couple!!! I think you’d have to have a pretty thick skin to be in politics, no matter what your political views. It’s gotten so personal and nasty, it’s hardly about the real issues.
          Our elections are a much more condensed format..they campaigne for maybe 3 months and then we vote..wham bam thank you man.


      2. I did watch the debate, but was disappointed. It seemed like bickering over facts that they both contradicted and I felt bad for Jim Lehrer. I had really been looking forward to it, but it just didn’t get me excited the way I had hoped.

        I hope Obama wins this race. I find Romney insincere and smug most of the time, and doubt he’s what this country needs.

        Truth be told, I want to vote for Michelle Obama. I wish she would run. Or Ellen…

        PS.. Hurray for the pumpkin. And the mums. I just lost my head over politics.


        1. Ha, I love that you’re passionate about pumpkins and politics, and not necessarily in that order. It’ll be interesting to see how the crazy media dissect the debate, I suppose it’ll depend on what channel you watch…it’s so partisan, to the point of being ridiculous and void of common sense.


        2. You got it, sister: void of common sense. If we all voted the Common Sense party, life would be reasoned, balanced, fair and …oh never mind. I just slipped off into fantasy land again.

          Passionate about pumpkins and politics. You are so clever. You should start a blog.

          Oh yeah…you already did! 😉


  4. I just put mine out! I like the flowers much better than pumpkins. Maybe the pumpkins can hide in the flowers? I am so ready for cold but glad we get almost no snow here in Oregon. I don’t have to shovel the rain.


    1. Flowers in the pumkins is a great idea, I’ll look for some of those mini guys. I think Oregon is so pretty. We drove to Portland 1.5 years ago to see Mary Poppins on stage. Now I know why everything was so nice and green. Thanks for stopping by!


    1. It’s coming our way too. Last night, it snowed in Calgary Alberta. They’re nearer the mountains but farther south. It probably won’t stay on the ground, but still it’s only October….yeesh. Bundle up!


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