Carrie Bradshaw, Eat Your Heart Out

All you guys reading this are saying, “who”?  You know, THE Carrie Bradshaw !!  Fashionista, writer,  obsessed with expensive shoes, best girlfriend to all and loved Mr Big.  Ringing any bells?   ‘Sex In The City’ was a HBO hit about a group of girlfriends living in the big city, dishing hot gossip over Cosmopolitans at fancy soiree’s.

Ukrainian Hen Party

source: Wall Paper Gate

While I don’t own nearly as many shoes as Carrie, I do enjoy getting together with the girls for fun and food. Why not grab a cup of coffee and join our  ‘Ukrainian Hen Party’.

Cup of Joe

Once a month we get together at my Aunty Kathleen’s for a wild and crazy time 😉   My Aunty gets her nails done and we laugh and talk the afternoon away.  There’s no limit to the number of topics that NEED our immediate attention and input:

  1. Gardening
  2. Cooking, Baking, Canning
  3. Shopping
  4. Crafts
  5. The Old Days
  6. Relatives who aren’t there 😉
Darlene does her magic
Darlene does her magic

A frequent topic of conversation for the ‘Sex In The City’ ladies was all the men in their lives and their saucy sex-capades. However, WE chit-chat about more important things, like who brought the perogies, LOL.  It just wouldn’t be a ‘Ukrainian Hen Party’ without yummy food.

Kazkowyj (fabulous) !!!
Kazkowyj (fabulous) !!!

Sweet Lil makes it look so easy in the kitchen.  It’s all delicious and always homemade. There was Perogies, Holubtsi (cabbage rolls) and Nachynka.  A Ukrainian wonderland 😀  There must be NO calorie counting on this day.

Lil says "you must have onions and butter on your perogies"
Lil says “you must have onions and butter on your perogies”
Daughters learn from their moms and the traditions continues
Daughters learn from their moms and the traditions continue

Many people are familiar with perogies and cabbage rolls, They’re probably in your local grocery store, but they are NOT the Ukrainian ones.  These gals make the smallest cabbage rolls you’ve ever seen and real Ukrainian perogies have more filling than dough.  My hands down, can-not-resist favourite is Aunty Kathleen’s Nachynka. It’s the best in the west !!! Nachynka is similar to a soufflé, but made with cornmeal instead of flour.  You might make it instead of potatoes or rice.

Creamy and Delicious Nachynka
Creamy and Delicious Nachynka

‘Sex In The City’ offered never-ending Cosmos’s and Jimmy Choo shoes. Big whoop!  I’d rather have Aunty’s Nachynka!

Carrie Bradshaw, eat your heart out!!

Here Is Aunty Kathleen’s Recipe for Natchynka

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For more Ukrainian recipes, visit Kat at The Kat And The Falling Leaves.  Kat is a Ukrainian-Canadian living in Toronto. She’s originally from Chernivtsi, Ukraine and posts about her heritage, travel and wonderful meals made for family and friends.

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Lucky me, I have a dedicated craft room and currently on the Cut File Team for Paige Taylor Evans. I mostly enjoy making 12x12 layouts and Mini Albums. Thanks so much for coming by 💛

45 thoughts on “Carrie Bradshaw, Eat Your Heart Out

    1. Thank you Lea, it’s sure a nice break for me. Aunty K’s mugs are a scream, very S.I.T.C.’ish I guess it’s more fun to go out when you’re young, I’m liking just hanging in someones place these days. 🙂


  1. OH Lordy be!!! I even love you more!! You like Sex in the City?! I was so hooked on that show, it was ridiculous! We bought the whole package deal with all the seasons. Have you seen the packaging for this? It comes in a beautiful pink velvet case inside a plexiglass encasement. Do you have this? We watch the episode’s over and over♥ On top of it…the ladies make homemade pierogies? I have to eat the frozen ones….while watching this fantastic show☺


    1. o, you made me laugh Laurie, you are a true fan. We did watch every episode but I don’t own that amazing set you describe. In fact, the series finale was all set up on our PVR and didn’t record properly, luckily our neighbours had an alternate service and we caught it at their house..Whew. I don’t think Carrie Bradshaw ever ate anything, especially not perogies…well, more for us 😀 hehe. Thanks for your enthusiastic message!


  2. I used to have a neighbor who made incredible perogies. I can’t remember if she had a Ukrainian background (she may have been Polish)–but in any case they were awesome.


    1. Thanks Aunty, and thanks for the invites. Always fun to spend the day with you and the girls. Thank you for sharing your recipe too. Hope you’re having a great visit in Ottawa, it’s super cold here today…so lucky lucky you. LUL, miss you 2 xoK


    1. Hi Kat, I always look forward to our day and the Nachynka is like a cherry on top! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful recipes at your Blog, they’re a real inspiration to keep up traditions. xK


  3. What a perfect get together – I’d have loved to have been there listening to all the chat and tasting all the food (even though I’ve never seen most of it before!). It looks so lovely – and what beautiful ladies!!


    1. Thank you PJ, you’d be more than welcome. LOL, no perogies in the UK? Well, it’s all comfort food for sure. Nothing like bonding over yummy food and girlie chit-chat. Yes, they are all beautiful inside and out. Thanks for your lovely message, I will pass it on!


  4. Man, I LOVE perogies! My Mom used to make home made ones years ago and I would just fill my plate up with just perogies and munch away! Thanks….now I want some perogies with sour cream! 🙂


    1. LOL, better start now for supper. That’s the thing about Ukrainian food…it takes all day to make. We always have our perogies with onion and sour cream…I photographed without, then blooped some on top. I like potato and onion perogy…what kind did your mom make? Aunty Kathleen made a giant batch on Christmas Eve…I went back for seconds…so so yummy. Have a wonderful day Valerie!! 🙂 x


    1. Ha, you know it! No pressure to find anything fancy to wear. Darlene and Lil are the cutest pair, they used to work in theatre. Darlene also does makeup & hair. They are always looking great! I wouldn’t last one night with Carrie, I’d break an ankle in those stilettos they wore LOL


  5. I love my gal pal get-togethers!! Fun, laughs, food, drinks … reaffirming, supporting, and fulfilling! Love your post and your tradition of the Ukranian Hen Party


    1. Thanks LB. We’re not not solving world problems at our get togethers, but we sure have opinions LOL. Doubly nice to have yummy food to go along with. Thanks a bunch for visiting!


  6. I make mom’s nachynka all the time…. It IS the best in the west! These Uke hen parties are a reminder of all the things I miss while living out east. 😦 not to mention my amazing, gorgeous and sweet cuz! 😉 xo


    1. Good Morning my lovely Sher!! Are you guys having lots of fun? I bet you have a deepfreeze full of perogies by now. It would be great if you had a private jet and could zoom in for the hen party or just to go antiquing. Tell you mom it’s -21 C this morning, -32 with the windchill, SNAP…she’s not missing a thing. LUL, you say the nicest things xoxoxoxK


  7. What a fun time! The food looks delicious and the company warm and caring. Lil is a stunner. She has an air of calm elegance. How is she related? It’s so nice to know you have these days with people you love. It warms my heart. I’m off to slumber, Boomdee. Sleep well.


    1. Guess what Alys? You stayed up later than me!! I was so tired last night…probably from crying buckets of tears at that movie.

      Lil is so adorable, gentle and sweet. You would just love her. She is a very good artist too. Lil is Aunty Kathleen’s cousin. She grew up on a farm near my dad. (a little younger). She told me, my dad would pick her up along the way to school to give her a ride and she thought he was so cute…giggle. I have a old school photo of them in the same class. Darlene is her daughter.

      Yes, very lucky to know all these ladies, we have great visits. Thank you for your kind words xoK


      1. Oh what a treat to have that special story about your dad. That gives me goosebumps!

        Lil does sound adorable. What a generation they are.

        I’m sorry you cried so much at the movies. That is exhausting, I know. You’ll have to go on a strict diet of comedies for a little while.


        1. You’re right, 😀 comedy is in order. I saw a preview of an interesting movie with Jude Law, Rooney Mara, Catherine Zeta Jones……it’s a suspend triller. Rooney Mara was ‘The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’. I really liked her in that.


        2. Oh, you were brave to see that movie! I started but didn’t finish the book. I didn’t think I could handle the rape scenes.

          She’s an amazing actress. I was stunned when I realized it was the same actress I’d seen in another movie (name escapes me). She looked completely different.


        3. That scene was really terrible, but probably not as graphic as a book might be. Believe me, she gets even.
          Was the other movie ‘Social Network’? I didn’t realize she was the same girl either. She was so transformed in GWTDT. I love when they just melt into the character.


        4. oh, I didn’t even know that, what a shame. Jim read the next one in San Diego, he thought it was ‘ok’ but said he’s enjoyed other writers more.
          BTW, did you watch Downton tonight yet?


        5. No and I’m dying too. Mike wanted to wait till tomorrow so we could watch it earlier, but now it’s going on ten and we’re still up. Sigh.

          We are caught up though until tonight. We rented both seasons and devoured them I love that show.

          I’ll let you know when we’re caught up and we can chat. It must come on earlier for you.


        6. Oh ya, FB me when you’ve managed to watch. I think Jim tapes WGBHDT at 7pm….I have no idea where that channel is but I think it’s public tv since there aren’t commercials. Loving it. I’m surprised at the snootiness of some of the staff too….yeeesh, so many rules.


        7. I know, right? The rules are unbelievable. It’s on PBS here, too. In fact, this is pledge week and for a certain 3 pledge they are offering three DVDs with extras as a thank you gift. It might be time to make another gift. Then I can pass them on to you in May. (I’m secretly hoping the extras are all about the costumes. Wouldn’t that be fun?)


        8. Awesome! I bet it takes weeks to make one costume. You probably would die for a tour of that wardrobe room.

          Pledge week? I haven’t seen anything about it but then again, we probably don’t watch anything else on this channel. I wonder how much you need to pledge to get those DVD’s? How nice of you to offer to share them, I’d be thrilled to borrow them, thanks ((( Alys )))

          I watched a program a couple of weeks ago about the true owners of the home they use in the story and all about the history of the home…it was sooo interesting. A really nice couple too. Pretty young I thought. I love watching the background of each sceen to watch for treasures and what not. Beautiful clothes. Do you know how many episodes per season?


        9. We watched last night. I was on the edge of tears. It was beautifully done, bu so sad. Mike was equally moved. We sat there clutching each other’s hand.

          How fun to see a show on the house and the people who own it. I’ll have to see if I can find it.

          Pledge week here is the time (three times a year usually) that local Public Broadcasting Stations (or PBS) ask people to donate.

          They offer various perks as incentives, anything from a tote bag to DVDs and sometimes other gifts. We don’t donate because of the gifts, but this go around, it will be an adding perk.

          The details in that show are incredible.

          As for numbers per season, good question. Season one was only 6 episodes, season two was (I think) 9, maybe more.

          I’ll see what I can find out.

          Love, love, love this show. I’m glad we’re caught up with you so we can discuss.


        10. You’re so right Alys, I’m loving Downtown and I will miss Cybil’s ‘down-to-earth’ nature. She was the sweetest character, I did cry…I get so invested LOL You’re so thoughtful to donate, I’m going to suggest that to Jim. We are both enjoying it so much. I really dread the break in-between season 3 and 4, but we’ll still be watching one and two in the meantime….we’re going about it so backwards, I tell ya.


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