Two Frozen Green Thumbs Up


I just looked outside, yep it’s still winter.

Bears may be on to something. Maybe I should just crawl into a cave and wake in spring? After enjoying a few mild days following a Polar Vortex, we are back into a deep freeze. What the snowflake is a Polar Vortex Boomdee? According to Wikipedia:

A polar vortex is an upper level low-pressure area lying near the Earth’s pole. … The bases of the two polar vortices are located in the middle and upper troposphere and extend into the stratosphere. Beneath that lies a large mass of cold, dense arctic air.

To put it simply, it’s banana’s cold. As is evident by our weather news on this particular day.

What’s hard about winter? For me, there’s nothing green outside. No lawn, no garden flowers, no veggie patches, zippo, nadda !  Well almost nadda. I make garden pots for the porch that include cuts of pine, spruce and baubles of the season.

Once potted, watered and placed outside, they freeze and stay green until the weather warms up.  The greenery not only greets visitors through-out the holidays, it reminds me that, ‘this too shall pass’ (winter) and there will be another spring.

What’s that?  You don’t have room for a giant pot?

Unless you’re a bear in a cave,  you probably have a door.

 I normally buy a fresh wreath to decorate at home.

I thought it turned out so pretty !


Ha! I didn’t make it 😀 It’s not even fresh!!

Could you tell?

While I always enjoyed decorating a fresh wreath, I didn’t enjoy having the wire frame left over year after year.  This pretty faux wreath looks so real, came pre-decorated and pre-wired with lights *and* cost less than a real wreath on a wire frame. You have to pick your battles right?

Two frozen green thumbs up!

How about you?








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Lucky me, I have a dedicated craft room and currently on the Cut File Team for Paige Taylor Evans. I mostly enjoy making 12x12 layouts and Mini Albums. Thanks so much for coming by 💛

31 thoughts on “Two Frozen Green Thumbs Up

    1. Hello lovely Lavinia ! Thanks so much for visiting! This winter seems to have been one deep freeze after another, but hardly any snow. How awesome to be mid 60’s and rain. I love the rain, and what it does for the earth (when in measured amounts). We’ve been seeing news from California and just feel so sad for those folks. A lot of people wouldn’t want to live this far north but I must say, we don’t have very many weather related disasters. Knock wood. x K

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    1. Hello little Cupcake! Oh that sounds pawsome! I have fairy lights in the shrubbery and we light them all year round. Surprise! I like it sparkly. ❤ ❤ ❤ Belly rubs, Boomdee


  1. I voted, but of course you know my answer. There is the dilemma of the green ring when you’re done. I recycled mine this year. I may have donated them other years. I’m not sure.

    It was dry all month so my wreaths looked dry and ready for composting by the end of the month.

    I LOVE your potted greens. How nice that they’ll stay green all season. I never would have guessed that your wreath isn’t real. That’s amazing.

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    1. I think it’d be awesome to have a living wreath in California. Something you could grow. I just had collected a few wire rings and our recycle doesn’t take them. I think the Ecco station might but you need to have a few things to go because there’s a charge for drop off. I’ll just store it with my fake tree…..I’m misses ‘Christmas in a box’ HA.
      You’re front yard is so pretty all year round, you hardly need much for Seasonal Decor. I still haven’t got my tree entirely down. It’s started, so it looks rather disheveled. I just keep walking by, LOL xo K


      1. I’ve often thought that a great small business would be “undoing” Christmas for people. People love to decorate, but rarely enjoy taking it down and putting it away. I’m sure you would rather sew your sundress or craft in the BoomRoom. I mean, who wouldn’t? 🙂 xo

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    1. Hello hello AC and thanks for visiting. I’m like a prisoner doing time. In the clink, 6 months for being a bad Canadian and not embracing winter. I’m paroled in spring, LOL Yes, I have to create all sorts of projects to make the clock go faster and pretend winter isn’t like a prison sentence. 😀 xk

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    1. Hey! Marlene-a-go-go….I didn’t even know you had a back door. Or is that the side door under the covered porch? That’d be a great place for a bit of decor if you felt like it. When we start to thaw out in mid March, everthing goings into the recycling bag and I’ll plant summer stuff in the pot. So it’s actually being stored on the porch too instead of in our crowded garage. Win/win 😀 I’m like Goldilocks, that chick was high-maintenance right? I like it, not too hot but not too cold. I’m a weather Diva, LOL If you like it cold, you could be a backwards snowbird and come north in the winter. Snowbirds are retired Albertans that go south for the winter 😀 I’ll put the coffee on xoK

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      1. I like the cold, I said nothing about snow, did I??? I left snow country where we had plenty of snow birds that left our mountain and went down to Phoenix, AZ for the winter. After shoveling the 6 ft while my husband called in a back hoe to get us out the front door, I decided I wasn’t up to it anymore. I love to look at it but the rain here does not require a shovel. I don’t even use an umbrella. I have a door that is technically a side door but my front door is facing the side (bad Feng Shui) and the back is undercover to some degree. I’ll have to do a little video of the configuration. Stay warm Hugs.M

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        1. Lol, ooops my bad! Right then, no snow, just cold 😀 The mountain thing sounds like work but I bet it was so so beautiful. You lost me somewhere between the curb and door number 3. Honey I have no sense of direction AT all, LOL….a video would be fun 😀 xo

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      1. This snow thang! haha…Here, we all panic, drive anyway, no snow ploughs, no winter tires, have multiple fender benders and then call it a snow day and drink tea and binge Netflix. The snow is all long gone by the next day….it is ridonkulous!

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        1. Ridonkulous…snicker, did some wipper snapper in your class use that term? Tea? I become a wino through the dark days of winter. It just seems like night coming so early signals some primal cocktail gene in me 😀

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  2. Cold is relative to where you live. Here in Virginia, we’ve been in the single digits for almost 2 weeks! That’s very unusual for us. To make it worse, I was reading the book “The Snow Child” which takes place in Alaska, so it made me feel especially chilled. However, we are currently in a thaw and I finished the book, so I’m warming up. Hang in there kiddo, Spring will come eventually. Love the large pot! xo

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    1. Hi Karen, glad to hear you can put away the snowsuit ! Ha! Did you wear those as a kid? The onesie that swift a weird sound as you walked to school. I don’t know if winter was worse then. People seem to think so but I just think we were outside more as kids.
      Interesting how a cold climate book gave you a chilly feeling 😀 I could see that ! Maybe you needed southern based crime story to read while it was freezing outside. Get the adrenalin rushing in the steamy, palm tree laden streets of Miami.
      Only a few more weeks till I’ll be flippin’ about in my flip-flops with our lovely LB, so I think I’ll make it through another Canadian winter. Thanks for your visit 😀 xK


      1. Funny how I used to complain about hot flashes – they would have come in handy last week, ha!
        I grew up in Iowa, so yes, I did have those big snow suits that you could get lost in.

        That’s right! You are about to get a much needed break from the cold temps. Hope it warms your body as well as your heart! You all will have a great time.

        Cannot wait to see how 4 bloggers all write about the same trip – should be fun to get everyone’s perspective. Meeting all of you inspired me to start blogging, so thanks for that! Take care.

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  3. When it’s that flippin’ cold there is no point in doing anything remotely related to the outdoors, because no one will be out there to see it anyway. (At least that is the logic this Minnesota girl employs.) I hope the Polar Vortex will soon retreat so you can get out and scamper among the trees like a marmot, collecting pine boughs until you’re so weighed down you can hardly carry them home. 🙂

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    1. LOL, I love marmots! They’re so cute and cuddly looking. Believe it or not, some nutty-nut Canucks (endearment for Canadians) still head out, bundled to within an inch of their life, to skate or covort on the slopes. In my youngers days (eeek, I sound like gramma) perhaps I would, but now I’m content to busy myself inside until the mercury is at least south of -20 C. It’s a drag wearing all the winter gear and shopping for grocery. It’s like being a Polar Bear in a China Shop. You get cold winters in Minnesota too right? I’m going by what I see in Fargo (movie and TV drama) Your neighbour to the west there yah 😀 xK


      1. Oh yah, you betcha, we get cold winters here in Minnesota. In fact we just spent almost two weeks below -18 C. One night the air temperature got down to -25 C! (That’s the night i didn’t go anywhere.) We joke here that there’s no such thing as bad weather — only bad clothes. But as I get older I too feel less and less inclined to slather on so many layers that I look and move like a grub (not to mention having to repeat the entire process in reverse when I arrive at my destination). Better to let others go out and cavort on my behalf, I say! I’m glad to hear I have a friend even further to the north who agrees with this approach.

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        1. LOL, good ‘Fargo’ing’ yah !
          “there’s no such things as bad weather – only bad clothes” ! That’s a good one and I think some parka manufacturer should adopt that as their tag line. Hooray for snow days, inside, hot coffee, good book and pJ’s all day 😀


  4. I think your large pot looks beautiful and must give cheer to all who see it!

    My biped was very excited yesterday to see that our snowdrops have flowerbuds forming. She loves snowdrops as they appear so early as a reminder that Spring is on the way.

    It doesn’t get as cold here, so there’s generally some green remaining in the winter. On the downside, when we get snow it often vanishes before the end of the day!

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    1. Oh Clowie! Spring Snowdrops, how amazing. I think you have the best climate. A little bit of snow but gone soon. I’d go for that. Spring here? Probably mid April. When I lived at a lake, it’d be frozen usually till the 2nd week in May.
      Edmonton is at Latitute 53.5, which I guess is more than half way to the northpole at 90 degrees. So, there you have it, we get wild weather. A few days ago, it was 4 C when some warm Pacific air made it over the mountains. But now back down to -26 C this AM
      Gardeners will plant annuals usually in late May or early June. So we have a ways to go. Thankful for the blogasphere and I can visit warm friends like you. xo Thank you for your lovely message about my pot too ❤

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      1. I’ve just looked up our latitude. We’re at 53.9 or thereabouts. Our climate is oceanic – what a difference that makes! If it’s any consolation in the middle of your winter, I think you see more sunshine and higher temperatures in your summer than we do.

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        1. Isn’t that just amazing what the Ocean contributes to it all. Your climate is probably much like our west coast. They enjoy milder temps and when it snows, it usually melts quickly. Yes, summers while short are really nice here and the days are very long till late august or so. We hope to retire on the west coast….we’ll have to see. Housing there is getting very pricey. 😀

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    1. Yes, I thought that would be so for you Derrick 😀 I too love the fresh greens, although there’s no scent after placed outside because they freeze. But they have gotten so expensive at the shops. I guess I could go walking in a forest too, but the snow would be too deep and the weather too cold. I’d be a popsicle in no time 😀 Cheers!

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