A Little Short Cut

The Edmonton weather has been mighty cold

I like this village, it just looks so old

Little Pink Village

A fresh winter snow lies on the ground

There are pretty pink trees all over town

Smiling Snowman

Look! At that door, there’s a cute little snowman!

He’s smiling at the wreath I brought in my hand

A Wreath In My Hand

Thru sugary forests I see blogging friend’s today

They’re thinking of Christmas, it’s not far away

Thru Sugary Forests

I should run along, I’ve lost my warm mittens.

So much to do while I play with my kittens.

Black Kittens

A poem by Boomdee


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Lucky me, I have a dedicated craft room and currently on the Cut File Team for Paige Taylor Evans. I mostly enjoy making 12x12 layouts and Mini Albums. Thanks so much for coming by 💛

35 thoughts on “A Little Short Cut

    1. Thanks Sunshine, I bought the pink tray in Old Orange, California. I bought the sugar house with the snowman in San Diego a few trips ago. Oh and pink trees, San Diego, but a different holiday….my suitcase is always full…giggle. There’s a scrapbooking shop there, Paper Tales that has all kinds of cute stuff. I’ve seen all kinds of plans for sugar houses on Pinterest, but I haven’t tried to make them yet…maybe next year. I have so many in storage…yeesh. No room here.


    1. :D, Put your feet up, stay awhile. Thank you. I was hooked when I saw it on Bowie’s Gravatar. I didn’t know what was going on. Then his editor, Herman gave me the directions to ‘let it snow’ at Boomdeeadda. I don’t know if you ever went by their Blog. Bowie is the funniest cat, well with the help of his Editor of course. Herman gets the funniest looks on Bowies face….love those two & you! xoK


    1. You’re sweet to say so, thanks Kathryn. These Canadians are taking a week off from the snow….but I’m sure it’ll still be here when we get back, Ha. Do you ever miss the snow at Christmas?


    1. They showed a little interest, but so far so good. I hope they’ll continue to be good kitties. How are your sweet little kittens doing? They’ll love to play in the christmas wrap. Thanks for your message PJ, Cheers!


  1. Your home is lovely, and filled with such charming details. I love the little cherub with the wreath, and kitty looking on. You’ve pulled the elements together beautifully.

    Your poem is sweet. I can’t help but think you should use the first photo as a Christmas card, with you poem inside or on the back. It’s all so pretty in pink.


    1. Thanks a bunch Alys. I decorated all day yesterday. I got those trees and the sugar house with the snow man in San Diego last trip. This gorgeous scrapbook store called Paper Tales. Can’t wait to go back.

      That’s a cute idea with the card, I never thought of that. I send so few cards these days and have taken to calling people to say hello, I should get more organized next year.

      I decorated all day yesterday except the tree. Mr B wants me to wait. I’m off for breakfast with Aunty K, so have a beautiful day. 🙂


      1. I hope you had a terrific breakfast with Aunty K. It sounds like you had a very busy weekend.

        As for sending cards, I bet your friends far prefer your personal call. Way to go! Can’t wait to see the other decor.


        1. Thanks Alys, if you can imagine, I just drove Aunty K home..LOL. We had a nice breakfast and then after her Dr appt. we had supper together here at the condo and coffee and desert….it’s a good day that includes desert and Aunty K. HA. I guess you’ve had painters in your home, hope it went well. Are you going to do any other decorating? 🙂


        2. What a great day! How nice for both of you to spend that time together.

          Let’s see…we refloored the three bedrooms with cork, then repainted the boys bedrooms, one blue, one pale yellow at their request. I removed the closet doors from M’s room and Mike and I installed an Elfa system. He now has a desk, drawers, shelves and a wee bit of hanging space in what was formerly a traditional closet. The room is only 10 x 10 so every inch counts. Now his hockey table fits in their nicely, instead of taking up most of the free space.

          So, paint, floors and Elfa and we are calling it a day. Of course, one thing leads to another, so I cleaned out the cabinet under the TV to accommodate board games, then consolidated M’s two art cabinets down to one. Guess what? Now I have my own sewing cabinet! So exciting.


        3. Holy crackers, you are ‘getting down to it’. I Googled Elfa system, looks awesome. Lucky M! When you say ‘hockey table’, is that one of those old games with the pully’s? It’s funny how it snowballs, but it’s so nice to renew. The other day I was looking for an elastic and ended up doing a re-org on the bric-brac drawer….why do I keep sooooo many twist-ties? LOL
          It’s a juggling act isn’t it? I’m glad you found room for your sewing stuff, it’s nice to have it all ‘ready to go’.


        4. You are me! I do that sort of thing all the time. I organize people for a living and I still never get tired of it. This week I tackled the battery drawer. Remember when we had A, C and D batteries? Now we have button batteries for flashlights, watches, gadgets, cameras…Sheesh I can hardly believe it.


        5. What I can’t believe is how you type so fast….I’m cracking up here right now. I just turned away to kiss Mr B goodnight and BOOM there’s your pretty face again…mwaaa! I guess you’ve really picked the right career…if I lived near by, I could be your side kick on the big nasty jobs…like the Dynamic Duo…should we wear capes?


        6. LOL! I guess I do type fast. I’m grateful to Mom to this day for insisting I learn how to type in high school. Little did she know we would become a computer-centric society. It’s paid off!

          How fun it would be to share a business together. Capes! You’re brilliant. It will add to our gravitas.


        7. Wasn’t too long ago we learned to type on manual machines, take that Gen X (or is it Y now?).

          We’d have to franchise, Head Office in Silicon Valley…sounds impressive. 😀


    1. Thanks Sheryl, they do look vintage don’t they. I have a bit of a thing for bottle brush trees. I actually bought these in San Diego a couple years back. They used to be hard to find, now I’m finding them everywhere. Don’t you wish you had the originals though? Thanks so much for looking and your nice message 🙂


    1. Thank you Jen, I’ve been busy all day setting up little forests here and there. I have way too much stuff for this little condo….we are surrounded. LOL
      My friend Alys makes the cutest, creative fairy gardens, you can link there thru her comments here or pop in at the lovely ‘Gardening Nirvana’

      Thanks for your visit and nice message!


    1. Hahaa, you’re right Steven, hey I wonder if that old time rhyme has influenced my meagre attempt at poetry. Must be tucked way back in the memory banks with the cobwebs and dust bunnies. 😀


    1. Thanks for that Valerie, the pink trees are from a store called Paper Tales in San Diego…we’re going this week and I will drop by again to see what’s up with Christmas there…..it’s the cutest place ever. Scrapbooking mixed with vintage….heaven!


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