Boom Box Number One

As promised yesterday, here’s my first ‘Craft It Forward’ project. It’s going via snail mail to surprise a special friend of Boomdeeadda.

Boom Box Number One

The little scarlet hued box I introduced yesterday has been filled with all manner of paper paraphernalia you could imagine to artfully wrap a special gift for her own friends.

Pretty Gift Wraps

I included a set of monthly index cards for her recipe box to help track all the special days.

Index Cards


Along with gift topper’s, ribbons and tags.

Pretty Gift Wrap

All tucked inside a pillow envelope made especially for her.  As you might know, these collaged pillow envelopes are a tradition in the Boomdee craft room.

Collage Pillow Envelope

For me, creating a collage is really another form of story telling. Telling stories is one of the lovely things I enjoy about blogging.  All the intricate shapes are made with my Die Cuts and the Big Shot. I included a sweetheart of a fairy magically dancing around and washing away the dust of everyday life.  The background reminded me of petite-point which lends to a secret significance.

Collage Story

She’ll also find a set of pillow envelopes to decorate for  gift giving or artfully delivering a note for someone extra special. I so enjoyed crafting this with her in mind.

Pillow Envelopes

Thank you to my special friend for following my blog, your support means so much.

 Surprise!!! You are receiving Boom Box number one.

Boom Box Number One

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Lucky me, I have a dedicated craft room and currently on the Cut File Team for Paige Taylor Evans. I mostly enjoy making 12x12 layouts and Mini Albums. Thanks so much for coming by 💛

60 thoughts on “Boom Box Number One

  1. Wow, this is amazing! Not that making them isn’t reward enough in itself, but as one commenter said, you could see these AND charge as much as your time is worth. You would be surprised what the right market will pay for unique and beautiful gifts such as these.


    1. What a nice message Bunny! I had thought briefly about a Esty page. But I so much more enjoy these things for the fun of it. I think once it became something other than my free time hobby I might not have as much fun. But, never say never.

      This one went to a blogging friend who’s a professional salsa dancer who’s actually from near where my Great Grandparents originated from in the Ukraine. It’s a smaller world than we think. She shares unique recipes that keep fitness on body in mind. Hence the fork and spoon on her gift. Thanks so much for popping back to an oldie but goodie. x


    1. 😀 Thank you, I wandered about it briefly, then I calculated what someone might want to pay vs the time I enjoy making them….I’m pretty sure I’d be making like $1.00 an hour..LOL But you are the sweetest for saying so…mwaaaa 🙂


    1. Thanks for this LB! I’ve updated my nomination page with two links back to your fabulous blog. I really enjoy ‘riding’ along on your many trips. I think that part of the US is so pretty and I love all the history out east too. Looking forward to seeing where you’re off to next! 🙂


    1. YOU, ALWAYS make my day (( Sherri )) xox…you are the beautiful one and If you’re crazy what is wrong with me? HA. Thank you for all your sweet visits to the Blog and on FB too. Love You!
      Hey, BTW check out Lea’s post today at Kirby dawg blog….it’s all about Catahoula’s with great info and photo’s. Your mom told us all about Friday…..sweet girl, I’m so happy for you all. xoK


    1. 😀 you have always been such a wonderful supporter, thank you so much Sheryl. It means a lot. You know, I’m working on some journals, doing a catch up. I used to spend a lot of time with them b4 blogging. I really find your site so inspirational, the fact that you have your Grandma’s journals to share 100 years later got me thinking I shouldn’t let them slide.


  2. Those are so stunning, makes me wonder if there would be a way to frame the whole kit and caboodle? 🙂 Maybe I’ll just print out the pictues and frame those. You have such and artistic flare.


    1. Marlene, you’re a fabulous supporter! I hope she’ll find ways to use all the pieces so there’d be nothing left, HA but that’s the nicest thing to say. I saw a tutorial today where the gal used shaving cream with acrylic paint to make a design on a box….true story! How did we ever live without the internet? Thank you so much for all your generous messages, it means a lot. xK


    1. Thank you Clowie, I really hope so. I’m hoping to get a couple of these done b4 spring because then I’ll just want to be outside on walks or biking….oops, maybe I should have spelt w.a.l.k HA, hope you have a wonderful day. Hugs


      1. Ha, I can spell walk! I also know a few other phrases, such as ‘going for a stroll’, as they used to try to talk about it without me knowing!


    1. HA, you have mad skills where I have none my friend. I’ve been trying to cobble together clips from a video on Imovie and I’ve come to realize it’s not in my skill set..LOL
      Thanks for your message. Honestly, this was about a week of 10 minutes here, an hour or two there. Yep, I can really say I will never get rich making them..LOL


  3. Oh, SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!! What a lucky recipient! I have to start making my Pay it Forwards crafts. I picked out a pattern to try, so we’ll see how it goes, as it will be new for me. I would be so excited to get a lovely gift like this one!


    1. Thank you GJ and for getting us all hooked up with Pay it Forward crafts. I was telling another friend here that it’s way more fun to make something for someone else than it is when it’s for me. I’m considering a sewing project too. Pinterest is dangerous, there is really hundreds of things I’d love to make.


    1. Hi Leilani, you know it’s one of those things that just kept snowballing. I’d be cutting and glueing and inking one thing and then think “oh, yep I totally need to add that”. Does that happen to you? Thank you for all your great messages. Blogging really keeps you motivated when friend stop by to cheer you on. 🙂


  4. Okay…I’m officially intimidated. Wow, wow, wow, you are a talent. The things you think of. What a clever idea putting together handmade gift wrap and decorative baubles. I love this! Your special friend will be over the top. And I love the mystery you’ve created too. I’ve been pouring over all the special details.

    Gush, gush, gush…


    1. I’ve been so lucky to have time to do these kind of things this year. I really think they are entirely do-able for anyone who enjoys that luxury and making stuff with paper. I get a lot of inspiration at Treasured Memories, and Urban Scrapbooker. They stun me with their creativeness.

      Thank you for all your support ((( Alys ))) I wouldn’t even be here with out you. REALLY. It wouldn’t bring half the joy to be Boomdee without you.

      I loved making it, I hope she finds it useful too. It’s great to be pretty but nice to be practical…..hey kinda like us 😀 xoxo


      1. I love that…pretty but practical. She is sure to love it. Have you sent it to her yet? Has she seen your blog? I love all the details you come up with. It’s so pretty, practical, original and fun. Really well done.

        Aww…you are so sweet. I feel the same. You’ve made my blogging world sing. Soon…you’ll be here making my real world sing, too.


        1. We can be a duet…..much more fun 😀 la la la… xoK I did send this out and she has visited this post…hehe. This is so fun……stealth crafters. mwaaaa


        2. Stealth crafters! Love that.

          So, I’ve had a decadent crafting month. Tonight I took a mixed-media bottle decorating class with my friend Laura. It was so much fun. We used lace doilies, old pages from a book, Silk paints, a sea star…I”ll post the pics.


        3. How fun, that sounds like something I’d really love, can’t wait to see your pics. Good for you! I’m going to look for a course today…that’s my snow day mission. You’re always inspiring 😀 x


  5. I am thankful to be a recipient of one of Boomdee’s fabulous packages, so I can state firsthand that they are simply beautiful! Oh the detail that she puts into her crafts is amazing! The recipient of THIS box will surely be overwhelmed with joy when they look inside! I love everything about this box and the beautiful pins are amazing, the pillow boxes are adorable and the index recipe cards just blew me away.


    1. (( Valerie )) you’re spoiling the heck out of me. That’s just the nicest thing to say, mwaaa. Thank you for all of that and for following and your cheerful mail that brightens my days. You are such a gem. Big Hugs xoK


  6. This is gorgeous – thanks so much for letting us peek inside! Also thanks for the box directions; maybe I can learn to make one myself. Looking at your work is so much fun!


    1. Thank you so much Julia, you are here everyday cheering me on and I appreciate it 😀 Believe it or not, a lot of the content is already in my craft room so what a great way to use stuff up. Most of the paper is from a Valentine’s project. Let me know if you’d like any additional info to try one. I’m no expert but I did learn a couple of tricks.


  7. Oh my goodness! This is all so special and beautiful and you!! I love every bit of it-there is always so much to look at and discover in your creations. I cannot even imagine making anything so beautiful-I wish I could use osmosis to pick up some of your artfulness (is that a word?)
    Anyway, just gorgeous and the recipient is very lucky & I can tell you are too!


    1. ((( Betsy ))) mwaaa! You are just a dear, I can totally see how you and Alys are friends. You both are just really kind and generous of spirit and heart. Thank you so much. I really get enthusiastic about making something for someone…so much more than when it’s just for me. I’m really thinking about your craft now……mmmmm, what should it be LOL, can’t tell it’s suppose to be a surprise. I did mention to Alys that I’m terrible with secrets, HA. Boomdee is zippin’ it 😀 xoK


    1. Thank you so much Kha. I got totally carried away. One thing lead to another but it was a fun way to use up a lot of little bits and bots and hopefully useful for the gal receiving it.


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