The Best Treasure Of All, Dear Friends

I’m counting down to the Holidays!

Are you decorating a tree, shopping, baking, wrapping parcels and curating every nook and cranny with seasonal favourites? I’ve had a bit of fun recovering boxes from their hiding places and bringing long loved treasures into the light. But I’m also glad it’s ONLY once a year 😀

As a unemployed retired gal, I thought I’d have oodles of time now. I thought I’d be bragging, “I’m sooooo ready for the holidays!”.  Said no Boomdee ever ! How can it be December 14th already? The good news, my tree is up a full 10 days ahead of last year. Yes, true story! You do the math, LOL.

What takes so long? Well, every box I open is full-up of sweet memories of holidays past. Also, since I buy a great number of these treasures on trips with Mr B, I do a fair bit of reminiscing about that.  “This one’s from Austria, this one’s from my Virginia trip”, and so on and on and on……

Sneaky kitty !

This aqua and pink icicle is a favourite.

What do they say about having too many ornaments?  Nothing profound I’m sure, except maybe “stop buying !”  But seeing little perfect pretties at antique malls makes it very hard. Or should I say, “impossible”.  Knowing I have more than enough for one tree, I still couldn’t resist these treasures on a recent trek to the antique mall.

I don’t know that any are rare, nor even valuable.  Highly doubtful since I’ll only pay at most, $3.  But it’s a lot of smiles for just $3.

The rest of the house got what I’d call a ‘light dusting’ of happiness.  I carefully choose just very view treasures out of a plethora of festive goodies.


It’ll be a quick recovery after the holidays. Which is totally calculated, as I will be traveling across vast oceans, to far away lands, to visit exotic locals, with the best treasure of all, dear friends.

ps. stay tuned for that exciting news!

xo Boomdee

How do you decorate for Christmas?

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Lucky me, I have a dedicated craft room and currently on the Cut File Team for Paige Taylor Evans. I mostly enjoy making 12x12 layouts and Mini Albums. Thanks so much for coming by 💛

40 thoughts on “The Best Treasure Of All, Dear Friends

  1. Here I am, weeks later!
    Your decorations and enthusiasm inspire me … for next year! 🙂
    A bit too much travel and other stuff kept me from doing much this year, but the little that I did do was fun.
    Next year: more music, more decorations, more lights, more baking!
    I received your gift and I LOVE the lens cleaner. Thank you for that, and the sweets, too.
    Love you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh geez louise ! I also received your Calendar at the beginning of last week sometime, sorry for the tardy thank you. xox Things kinda went sideways this weekend and I’m just recovering. I’ll PM you.
      Travels fun, but home is best for the holidays isn’t it? The days flew by. Jim was off for a week but it was insanely cold here so we pretty much hunkered down inside…..Some news reports show nutty Canadians out running and skating in that nonsense, but I’m no hero…LOL xoxo Love you more


  2. It is all very beautiful. I too love the antique ornaments. I have quite a few and next time you are in VA I hope you can come by my ice cream parlor, help me with my craft room and take a peek at my antiques. Have a wonderful Christmas. I can’t wait to hear all about your coming year. Sounds very exciting.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Amy! Thanks so much for your visit and lovely message too. I will totally look forward to my next visit in VA knowing that Jules and I will enjoy your icecream parlor. I had heard it’s pretty special and I never met an icecream I didn’t like, LOL

      I wish I could come in every season to enjoy the sights and sounds of the holidays there. Yes, exciting travels just around the corner, but first Christmas! I dearly wish for you and those you love to have a wonderful and safe Christmas!


  3. Boomdee the house and tree look wonderful. I’m not bringing out all the “stuff” this year either – just some favorites and will probably do that again next year too. Rotating treasures I suppose for the holiday. I love vintage too but one thing that has “pride of place” on our tree is the beautiful aqua bird ornament you sent for me and Angel Sammy a few years ago. I hope you go on an adventure somewhere sunny and warm with Mr. Right – it would be a great way to start out a new year and end an OLD one! Have a beautiful Christmas sweet friend.

    Love, Pam (and Teddy too)

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    1. Oh Pam, you are the dearest. Thank you for your love and message. I think rotating Christmas treasure is a bright idea really. By the time it comes out again, it almost seems new 😀 We’ve just finalized our holiday…..far away….over hill, over dale….What on earth is a dale? LOL ! Happy Christmas to you and your sweet Mr and of course Teddy, your little cuddle muffin. Love Kelly xo


  4. Having so many adorable ornaments is not a big problem. Just get another tree! Mom is a December 1st Christmas decorator. Tree, Christmas village, garland on the balcony, and Nutcracker musicbox. Then she dresses me up and takes my picture for our holiday card…

    Love and licks,

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for your advice Cupcake! That sounds perfectly easy 😀 ! Good on mom for starting December 1. I always say ‘next year’ will be so much more organized 😀 Your sweet little face would make the most fab Christmas card of course! Have a wonderful Holiday you two. Lots of love Kelly


    1. Thank you so kindly Lavinia! Funny thing is, my little darlings don’t seem too interested in the ornaments and haven’t ever climbed into the tree (knock wood). They do love to sleep under it with the lights on though. I hope you’ll have the best holiday season and find comfort and love at every turn. Sending Love your way, Kelly

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  5. I love your vintage ornaments and how you curate your nooks and crannies. I am very fond of that turquoise ad pink icicle.
    I put up a dead arbutus branch all twisty twigs and branches. A few strings of teeny tiny fairy lights and a “curated” selection of vintage and handmade decorations mske it more festive. The rest of the house has small potted conifers with dried oranges, whole spices and nuts. If they survive they get to move to the garden or the deck in March. This year I actually found a beautiful lemon scented cypress called Wilma! That will be a keeper. West coast, Island living!⛄

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good Morning Island Girl, youz livin’ the dream indeed ! You are Mother Earth’s little wonder. Everything sounds beautiful and natural, just like you. I wasn’t familiar with the name Arbutus, so I looked it up. I do recognize them and yes, so cool ! I hope Wilma the cypress makes it to your garden ! How fun to find a plant with your namesake. Happy Holidays Wilma ! xo K

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  6. I was watching the news Wednesday and they said if you didn’t get your packages in the mail by Thursday, they might not make in time for Christmas. I freaked – I only have one package to mail (my sister) but it was NOT ready. So I spent the day getting the final gifts, wrapping and waiting in line at the Post Office. Whew! Made it! I was late decorating too, just wasn’t feeling it until we had some snow. But now, I’m ready – bring it on! Looks very festive at your place. I know you all will have a wonderful trip, my friend on this end is very excited. Have a wonderful holiday!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Karen! Glad you were able to get your parcel in on time. I did most of mine but might have to take Paulines with me and in fact, it’d probably arrive sooner, LOL. The Post Office staff are so so busy here too. I think ‘on-line’ shopping has really ramped things up a notch these days. I’m amazed how they get through the days of endless customers and parcels.
      I’m still a bit shocked at where we’ll be hooking up next ! Who knew blogging would take me to these far away lands? It’s pretty dang amazing. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! Enjoy your snow! x Boomdee

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    1. Thank you so much for your message Johanna ❤ We had a festive weekend ! Lots to do and visits too. I hope your holidays include your young Mr Walkers too. Enjoy all the holidays bring and love to you all and sweet Charley girl too xo Kelly


    1. Thanks so much AC ! Yes, we’ve only just booked everything, it’s a done deal and an adventure of a life time for this home girl. Breaking out of my comfort zone 😀 Have a wonderful Holiday out your way! Happy Christmas xo Kelly

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    1. Very odd thing now, I don’t quite know what to do. I’ve posted the winners name on my IG. I sent two PM’s and no reply. What would you do? Should I draw a new name? I was hoping the winner could have them on their tree this Christmas. I don’t know…..weird hey? :/


  7. Your decorating touch is so pretty and festive!! I do like your antique and vintage decorations – mine are usually up to the minute brights from the local big box store – no touch of class for moi! And no tree for me this year. As I’m spending most of my time with the lovely YD, and she has a super tree put up by her sister when she was here straight after the accident and we hope to spend Christmas outside in the garden, why decorate the house? ….. it’s such a different vibe down here in summer time 🙂 I’m entranced by the sound of something called an ‘antique mall’ – I imagine rows of antique shops filled with everything the treasure hunter could imagine and some things beyond imagination…… the most we can conjure up here is the odd ‘antique shop’ most of which are simply slightly posher versions of a junk shop – or ‘recycling store’ to use the modern pc term 🙂 I should like to visit an antique mall!! And I soooooo like the idea of you travelling across vast oceans to far away lands – that sounds so very exciting 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Good morning from Canada or good middle of the night to you there dear P xo
      I’ve seen your tree and it’s gorgeous, so hooray for drug store finds. I don’t think anything can look sad on a lit tree. We have a huge garden centre just out of town that puts out Christmas Decor in a major way. They have dozens of tree’s all decorated in their own theme and color. There’s the normal tree, skinny trees, palm trees, pink trees and even a black tree has been spotted. While I shunned the black tree, it still had it’s own unique cache with all the glittery baubles and lights. I believe it was decorated in gold. I wish I’d taken a photo really but I think it was so ‘not me’ that I might have cringed, LOL
      Too bad we didn’t have time to visit an antique mall while you were in America. I’m sure there must have been one around. What they are is one big store with individual ‘booths’ by many vendors. Each booth might be 200 sq ft. Not all of them will sell stuff you’re interested in, but with so many styles and collections, I always find a bit of something. (and yes, some too are just filled with ‘slightly posher versions of junk’, LOL that’s so english)
      Off to wrap presents and shop for food things today! If you think travelling vasts oceans to far away lands SOUNDS exciting, wait until things really come round 😀 xoxo big hugs


    1. Hello hello and thanks so kindly for your message. I’m really in catch up mode but so happy to be ready for the holidays except for some wrapping. Lovely to enjoy your Grans glass baubles. The fifties are an era I rather enjoy as far as Christmas decor goes. Have a super duper holiday filled with lot’s of goodies and TLC xo Cheers from la Boomdee

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  8. Everything you touch is beautiful. I love your vintage vibe, and the beautiful shades of green, blue and pink. We decorate a tree each year, and like you, most of the ornaments are gifts, or travel acquisitions. I also make an ornament through Shutterfly for the boys each year, for the past five years, using current photos of them and the cats.

    When the boys were younger, it was all about the inflatables. One by one they’ve stopped working and we are now down to three. The day care kids love them, so they’re getting a second life.

    Love to you. Your tree looks terrific. xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello hello sweet BFF. Drats, I’m a bit behind on my replies but thank you so much for your cheer xox
      I’ve come to learn about Shutterfly but haven’t ever used them. It’s not as good a deal from Canada as it is for you all. I haven’t really put out much this year and you know what? I’m enjoying the edited version of the holidays. I really should do a clean out of some Christmas Decor I’ve collected over the years, but I honestly don’t know what I could part with.
      You’re the best neighbour ever and I’m sure the daycare kids would miss your inflatables if you didn’t put them up. I got a kick at Mike this fall and his search for the best lightening maker for Halloween. You two are so fun!
      It’s a bit unusally this winter, we have hardly any snow and none is forcasted even though it’s turned cold. We had over two weeks of unseasonably mild weather and most melted into icey slush which is way tricky to drive on. I actually fell down at the bird feeder this morning because, what looks like snow, is actually a sheet of white ice. Nothing hurt except my pride. I might have a few scraps on my knee :/ I thought, “good lord, what if I fell and broke a leg?” I was in my PJ’s with Jim’s shoes on and no phone of course….LOL, I would not wish to be rescued in that state 😀 although I suppose it’d be preferable to freezing to death. Bit of a conumdrum I think 😀
      Off to do more Christmasy things, like wrapping and grocery….toodles noodles! I hope you’re feeling better dearest. xoxo K


  9. I love the soft gentle look of your Christmas decorations. Love the vintage ornaments too. You can never have too many ornaments or decorations though I haven’t purchased any for years. I get them as gifts. That’s what makes them even more treasured. I am still so far behind getting ready for Christmas that I doubt I’ll get ready at all until after the fact. I may just leave it up for next year so I’ll finally be caught up. I’m so happy you get to take another wonderful trip. 🙂 Giant hugs.

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    1. Good morning Marlene-a-go-go! You know what? You don’t worry one single bit about not being ready for Christmas ! I think we should all celebrate on our own schedule. Ukrainians do it after most and they get the best deals on gifts then too, LOL
      I’m excited for our trip too. Just gave the agent the Credit Card and now it’s a real done deal. We are so blessed and figure we must do these things while we’re health and able to enjoy life. I’m not going to put off life until retirement, no guarantees right? Who know’s, we might want to slow down at some point and stop to smell the roses longer..ha! Have a super duper happy holiday dearest! You are loved xoxo K

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      1. Never, never put off living life to the fullest. When they tell you your number has been punched, your true priorities come to light. Many never see retirement age so have a good time today. Personally, I like Christmas all year and may start doing that this year. The tree may stay up though they won’t let me leave the outside lights up but I can make gifts all year and give them anytime along with more baking after Christmas. Didn’t get it all done before. 😦 Wishing you all things good this holiday and throughout the new year.

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        1. Thank you Marlene for your wishes and for being a lovely friend. Leaving nothing on the backburner…..lucky luck me. I’m doing baking tomorrow, hopefully! But if it doesn’t get done, it’ll still be a good day! Hugs and happy Christmas dearest! xo K

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    1. You are dear Herman, thank you so much. I imagine your Belgium home to be super cool and contemporary at every turn, Christmas or not. I remember your Christmas celebration to be earlier in the month, so perhaps you’ve already traded your gifts. Hugs to you all and your sweet dad too. Hope your holidays are perfection and full of lots of love xo Kelly

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