Made In The Shade

One of my favorite Bloggers (I follow more than a few), Mel at  No Dog About It  recently posted a refreshing little video with two golden girls staying cool in the pool. Like many of you around the world, we’ve had a pretty warm summer. I remember even back in July, we were having crazy hot weather.

Not only was it hot this summer, we’ve also had some wicked storms.  The September Issue of National Geographic is also asking “What’s Up With The Weather”. As usual, their coverage and photo’s are amazing, check it out.

Earlier this summer, at Weather they predicted,”Warmer than normal conditions are expected for most regions in Alberta. Precipitation is expected to average out near normal except for the northwest and southeast tips of the province where dryer than normal conditions are expected.”  Bullseye, seems like a direct hit.

Blossum and my lovely garden baskets seemed  to love to bask in the sunshine,  while I avidly did everything I could to keep cool.

  • Used a giant patio awning
  • Wore big floppy Cats hats
  • Dipped toes in a private pool
  • Stood in front of big fans (makes you feel like a super model)

Alberta’s weather can change in a heartbeat and it sure did this past weekend. Friday night was mild enough to enjoy the patio late into the evening with my pal Deb.  Suddenly, instead of enjoying the last long weekend of the summer outdoors, we’re hunkered indoors and had to turned the furnace on (first time in two months).  Yep, days have grown shorter and the nights cooler. The late afternoon sun, though still warm,  already seems lower in the sky. Now in September, with a familiar chill, those hot summer days are almost a memory.  Maybe I’ll be wishing for those hot days next February when it’s -35 C (-31 F). Until then, I’ll use these cooler days to enjoy the craft room and catch up on inside stuff. Either way, I have it made in the shade.

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Lucky me, I have a dedicated craft room and currently on the Cut File Team for Paige Taylor Evans. I mostly enjoy making 12x12 layouts and Mini Albums. Thanks so much for coming by 💛

17 thoughts on “Made In The Shade

  1. I find myself looking forward to all the aqua touches in your photos. They make me smile. National Geographic is the penultimate in photography. Every photo seems to move or engage in some way. Some are so graphic I have to avert my eyes, especially issues on poverty. But the natural photos, breathtaking.

    Love your final photo by the way. I love the pretty combinations in the photo.

    Wish…you lived closer.


    1. ((((Alys)))) I just got back from my meeting and there you are, encouraging and thoughtful. Thank you so so much. If you get a chance to peek at Nat Geo on the newsstand, look at photo on page 53 it took my breath away and then again on page 69. They are the ying and yang of nature. Threatening and innocent, terrifying and beautiful. One thing WW is also good for is shrinking our personal water footprint….p.28. I’m programmed to conserve since we had a cistern at the lake and made 1200 gallons last up to 7 weeks. Short showers, energy saving appliance it all helps. I guess my photo’s do have that constant, the last photo is our front entrance, the planters are still was a beautiful day here, sunny but not hot, I wish I lived closer too…I really loved San Diego, LOL Oh Mr B…..guess what.


        1. I’m was like an ostrich with my head in the sand, trying to ignore it. But yes, it was time and it felt good. How about you? Did you go with a friend? I can walk to the downtown meeting in 15 minutes, I listened to my Ipod and enjoyed the afternoon sun on my face! 🙂


    1. Hey Auntie, you must have been a butterfly today…a social butterfly…tried to take you for lunch after an appt. but no I had to finish reading Nat Geo instead…LUL2 xoK


  2. I know what you mean about the weather, as it has been crazy over here in Cleveland, OH! Our summer months were extremely hot and very dry, so most everyone’s lawn died in the heat. We tried to keep up with watering the lawn, until we got our water bill – YIKES! Our nights are getting darker earlier too!


    1. It’s hard to see the lawn all dead and brown, they’re usually the part of the landscape that frames a beautiful yard and home, but ya they really do use alot of water. I wonder if people will start to rethink their landscapes. I guess relief is right around the corner. Thank’s for your message, oh man I love that face.


      1. Relief in sight, thank God! I bet we are going to have a wild winter. Our winter last year was pretty mild, but the prior year was horrible. I planted some beautiful Mums over the weekend in pots – and since my pots were gray, I had to make them look more Fallish so I painted them orange. Now they look so beautiful! (Nikita is a cutie pie for sure)


        1. OMG, our winters mirror that exactly, last year mild with barely any snow, but the year before was banana’s. We lived on a rural property and had banks 10 feet high beside the driveway and had to shovel off the roof. I’ve just emptied two spent summer pots too….you’ve inspired me.


      2. Aw, I inspired you, how cute is that! It’s amazing what you can do with a can of spray paint! By the way, did you see the neat string art heart that I made my boyfriend for his birthday? I called it “Home is Where the Heart is”. It is the last blog post I did – check it out & I even have a template too in case someone wants to cut a house out of wood and make it! My boyfriend loved it and even took it into work today to show everyone. I am not looking forward to winter at all, but we can’t stop it from coming!


      3. I have a lot of fun crafting. I am currently working on a very tall wood haunted house that I painted black and it has really neat cutout windows, door and a walkway and I am going to attach a frosted film behind all the cutouts then attach lights behind the openings so the haunted house windows glow. I can’t wait to see how it turns out, but I am sure that there will be a blog post on it when I do finish it! LOL


Talk nerdy to me………..