Fun From Day One

A few years ago, Mr B and I visited The Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas (formally known as the Texas School Book Depository). We really enjoyed all the old video, photographs and artifacts on display. It’s actually just like another kind of time capsule. Except it’s not sealed for the future, but shared for all to enjoy President Kennedy’s legacy. While we were there, we bought a replica newspaper at the gift shop. It’s dated November 23, 1963.  Reading the tragic news of the day is eerily like stepping into a time machine.

Newspapers Are Like Time Capsules

Time Capsules are a little like that, able to transport you back to a special time. They might simply contain artwork brought home from school over the years or keepsakes from babies first year. Like a tiny hospital bracelet, messages with family love, babies first outfit, or a sweet rattle.  One website defines a time capsules as,  ‘a container for preserving items to be discovered at some time in the future’. With that in mind, I headed off to the craft room to create something for two special guys we met on our holiday to San Jose 😉 Hi C & M !!

Box's from Paper Source, Covered With A Vintage Vibe

I started by covering two small box’s I got at The Paper Source while shopping with Alys.  We had so much fun, I’ll be sure to tell you all about it in another post. I am so smittened with all this paper from the Tim Holtz Lost & Found collection.

Tim Holtz Collection

With their vintage vibe, I couldn’t resist the dusty, old, distressed look. It was the perfect starting point for crafting a long-lost Time Capsule.  I added a few stickers that reminded me of lost treasure.  Like rusty key’s, old stamps and the like.  You might even have these types of bits and pieces in your stash from past projects. All the stickers are K&Company’s ‘Life’s Journey’ (remember that one?)

Use your vintage stash

I included various envelopes for all the things I thought might be fun to save for later.  There’s a Coin Collection Envelope, Ticket Holder Folder, Picture Frames and an envelope named Me-1-3. It has a little survey enclosed:

  • who’s your best friend?
  • in 5 years I think I might be?
  • I’m this old ___!
  • I’m going into grade ___!

It’s a start, but I’m sure they’ll want to write a

whole lot more about their summer adventures.

Fun Treasure Envelopes

ME-1-3 Envelopes

The coin envelope was actually inspired by a gift from Alys.  When I opened my Kimono Rose bath salts, I wasn’t just charmed by the stunning fragrance, I also admire the unusual envelope.

The Kimono Envelope

It was very easy to duplicate with a simple paper-cutter/scorer.  If you’d like to make your very own, I’d be happy to email you the measurements for a 12 x 12 paper.

Simple Cut & Score

As always, I inked all the edges to add dimension and added a couple of art stamps that seemed right.  One is a coffee stain the other a fly. Use what inspires you from your own collection.

Add Interest with Ink and Stamps

There’s definitely NO RULES when it comes to Time Capsules, so you can be as creative as you want. Why not include something unexpected for the recipient?  Like a secret message or even some candy. Because while these Time Capsules are for collecting sweet summer memories,  they really should be fun from day one.

Fun From Day One

Happy Summer Vacation C & M!!

What would you save in a time capsule you planned to open in 5 years?

Related Post

Time Capsule – Boomdee Style

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Lucky me, I have a dedicated craft room and currently on the Cut File Team for Paige Taylor Evans. I mostly enjoy making 12x12 layouts and Mini Albums. Thanks so much for coming by 💛

49 thoughts on “Fun From Day One

  1. Oh, these are always such fun for me to look at—ogle, even. I love seeing what you come up with! Of course I like the bee one, but the ones with typewriter keys are great too. Another love of mine! 🙂

    I have no idea what I’d put into a five-year time capsule. A newspaper, maybe pictures of ourselves, our family, & our critters to see how they change in five years (leaving the pets out would seem weird), a few recipes we really love now, and a little write up about what we are doing. But I doubt mine would be as lovely as yours!


    1. You’re really creating time capsules every time you shoot one of the dusty old towns or abandoned motels and gas stations on your many travels. You often hear that term, “if these walls could talk”, and by giving those lost destinations a voice, they almost are.

      Yes, absolutely, the pets MUST be included. I gave my SIL a book for Christmas that is ALL vintage photo’s of people with their dogs (she has two). I just think, a photograph is so much more special with a pet. It really humanizes these long lost faces to think how little some families had long ago but still made room for a pet. Thanks so much for your message Jen!


    1. Thanks a bunch Clowie, I thought it was kinda perfect too. Like ‘Raiders of the Lost Arch’ kind of stuff. Remember that show? Man Harrison Ford was a cutie pie back then. 😀


  2. Awesome Paper! I hope you bought the store. I’d put a picture of me or video of me with the kids in a time capsule. It is on my to-do list for this summer actually. (i am always the one taking the video!)


    1. Hi Sunshine, thanks for your message. I’ve actually had all the items I used, even the paper for a long while but I’ve used it over and over. It’s the never ending pad of paper, HA.
      I’m not surprised you’re already thinking of it, I can tell by your beautiful garden that you’re really creative. I think they’ll enjoy that one day! Ditto on the last part, but I don’t mind, I actually prefer it that way. 😀


  3. Super ideas yet again. C&M are lucky guys! I wonder just how much storage you have for all your bits and pieces – to be able to create these glorious combinations must involve sifting through so many things to find just what you want.


    1. Thanks again AC, I do have two cupboards and various stacking files in those cupboards. I actually used to work at a scrapbook store 5 years ago and still have a few things. It’s a constant effort to stay organized but I have it down to a science and find things pretty easily. It’s a necessity since we are renting and space is tight!


  4. Do file folders count as time capsules? I’m always throwing one thing or another into a file folder –Christmas letters, programs from events I attend, ticket stubs, etc.


    1. I would think so, absolutely Sheryl. If we didn’t examine the past, we’d never really know ourselves. I think your grandma’s diary is a really special time capsule too. It’s so special it’s time in her own words, sometimes even the simple days tell a story. Life seems like it was peaceful and easy back then.


    1. You are too kind and thank you for your generous message. Sorry I haven’t gotten by on your current post. I shouldn’t complain to a new mom but man, I get behind so easily….soooooo much mail. See you soon, thank you!


  5. Okay ,,, a couple process questions for you. Clearly it takes some time to put together the lovely boxes, time capsules and other crafty things that you make. But the photography and writing of the blog post also takes time. It would be easy to just look at the final product, but the photography is lovely too!! How much time did it take to make the time capsules and photograph the process?
    Have you ever photographed your craft room? Would love to see it!


    1. As a blogger, you know, it actually does take some time to bring it all together. I never go full out on a project, it can take a few days, off and on visits to the craft room. I just take the photo’s as I go along, I got a camera for Christmas that works well for close-ups. I usually write my post with regards to what photo’s I’m using, so if you have lots to pick from that helps too.

      I have made some past posts of my craft room, he’s a link to those. I’ve never really taken a picture of the whole room because it’s usually in various states of disarray, LOL. Thanks so much for being here


  6. Gosh! I love this paper – and this is such a great way to use it! … And just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, I scroll down and see those incredible stamps – coffee stain and fly! They’re the icing on the cake! What lucky guys the recipient’s are. A time capsule is such a terrific idea as a school holiday project. xxx


    1. Can you buy Tim Holtz product Down Under? I don’t get to much of his stuff as it’s a little pricey here for some reason. But I’ve had this pad and all the K&Company stickers for some time. It feels good to use things up because I always see something new I MUST have. That coffee stain stamp made me laugh like mad, I had to have it because it’s sooooo me. Well thanks so much for all your generous compliments. I do adore your visits and your blog. Cheers!


    1. Santana row was so great! What a perfect day. I liked that they have so many beautiful planters there too. I sure wish we had a Paper Source here. I haven’t used the t-cup paper yet….thinking though. It’s almost to pretty to cut up ❤


      1. We love Santana Row. Nothing else around here comes close. They do a lovely job with those planters and with all the other landscaping as well. It’s so pretty around the holidays, too.


  7. The comments above are unanimous! You rock!

    These are so darn clever and beautifully executed. You think of such interesting details, layer upon layer of things to discover. I wish every household had a line to a Boomdee. I may run out of superlatives but here goes: inspired, clever, creative, detailed, fanciful, thought-provoking, fun and special in every way. You’ve pulled together the gift of a lifetime. We love it and we love you.

    Further, how clever of you to open up that Kimono Rose envelope and then make it into a pattern with your own unique slant. I would never have guessed.

    As for my own time capsule, I would fill it with photos, tickets, magazine snippets, a postage stamp and coin from the current year. Pennies will be especially rare years from now. What a fun post.


    1. Geez Louise, (( Alys )) you will make my head explode with all the flattery. I’m so lucky to have time to putz away doing fun crafts. It’s so nice when other friends enjoy it too, but its really rather indulging, LOL

      I love all your ideas for saving treasures. We could both do our own time capsules to share next time we get together. ??? Are you game? Thanks for all your generous words and as always your immense friendship, it means so much xo mwaaaa k


  8. I love everything you make. The newsprint is somewhat special to me for some reason. That’s what I would put in a time capsule. I don’t take a paper but I could print a headline off the computer. I’d put lists of what things cost now and see where they are in 5 years. And maybe a picture of myself to see if I could ever manage to stay the same weight that long. But not till I get skinnier.:) You give so much food for thought on these projects. Your work is just beautiful.


    1. I love the idea of saving a newspaper Marlene. It would naturally have a date on it and the ads are really fun to look back at. The Dallas Paper from 1963 was full of ads for cheap dresses, like $2.00. I also love the artwork for old ads. Very ‘Mad Men’. Who knows, in 20 years there may not even be any daily papers and it will be very collectable. Thank you for leaving such a nice message, I always appreciate it. Hugs xK


    1. Well HELLO there and welcome! Leave your shoes on and put your feet up 😀

      Every so nice of you to say Pauline. Something new for new friends, was lots of fun to make. I see you’re crafting loveliness over yonder way too. Can’t wait to snoop around. Cheers


  9. I love these! You are so amazing! Always thinking of such perfect gifts and fun things for everyone! I am going to try and get the girls to do these (although they won’t be this fancy)
    because they both “collect” everything!!! XOXOXO


    1. Hi Betsy! you’re just a sweetie pie! ❤ thank you for your cheer. If your girls would like to craft one, even decoupage would be a fun way to cover a box. What about with snippets from teen mags? Ha, like a Bieber Box. I love that they are little collectors, how fun to look back when they're all grown up and have a giggle. xoxo to the crew!


  10. Hi Boomie! Very cool blog post today! I love the vintage look. That is an interesting question as to “what” I would leave in a time capsule….hmmmm, I would probably leave photographs of my loved ones, a bunch of seed packets to start a garden, and instructions on how to make one of my craft projects! You know me & crafts!


    1. Sounds like a good start to a capsule Val. I like the idea of seeds, I never thought of that. Your garden is really taking off! I’m sure you’re having a ball out there. We’ve been really rainy here, but that’s just June.


      1. Oh it has been rainy here too. One nice day, then rain, one nice day then rain, then cooler temps, then higher ones. It is a weather roller coaster. Yes, the garden is coming along nicely, but it would sky rocket if we had more sun! Wait til you see my next garden post!


        1. Your weather sounds really parallel to Alberta. Maybe not as cold in the winter? Well, I’ll watch for the garden post, sounds like a wicked one HA 😀


        2. Our weather does sound quite similar, but you definitely win on the temps being colder in the winter. You can have those! I am a freeze baby!


    1. Thank you so much for your very generous message. I think maybe I’m more inspired than brilliant, LOL Making fun stuff is a privileged way to spend the day. Having friends to share it with is such a joy. I’m so very lucky. Have a great day!


    1. Family photo’s are so fun to look back at. Even in 10 or 20 years the hairstyles and clothes are horrifying. Photo’s are little time capsules all by themselves. You take such beautiful ones too. Thanks for your message Laurie!


    1. Thanks so much. The envelope is great since no tape is needed to have it closed. You could probably make one for each country you have coins for and then get them coiled together at a local scrapbook store. Most stores have a ‘Bind It’ machine since journals are a hot scrap craft.


    1. I was thinking of how long summers used to seem when we were going to school, endless and warm. I never did a time capsule then but it would have been fun. My brother lives in the house I grew up in, we could dig it up and laugh. Thanks for your nice message Pam! 😀 Enjoy your Sammy filled day!


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