Bunting for Boomdeeadda

We interrupt the summer adventure series for this charming post by Teddy and Tottie writer Dani. If you haven’t met her, be prepared to fall in love. Dani lives in Queensland Australia. She’s a mom to twins, kitty lover and crafter extrodinaire with the most glorious garden she affectionately calls The Oasis. Today, Dani has posted about her Etsy shop and something she’s custom made just for me, why not pop in? I know you’ll be powerless to fall for her just as I have.

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Lucky me, I have a dedicated craft room and currently on the Cut File Team for Paige Taylor Evans. I mostly enjoy making 12x12 layouts and Mini Albums. Thanks so much for coming by 💛

30 thoughts on “Bunting for Boomdeeadda

    1. Dani is so dear. She’s managed to make my gorgeous bunting tout de suite and it looks like perfection on a string. It will soon grace the Boom Room and Inspire me all day long. I am a lucky girl to share so many lovely friendships. 😀


    1. Isn’t is so cute? Dani is a complete doll. We’ve Skyped a couple of times and I’ve never met someone so happy and smiley. I just love her. Dani’s posts always make me laugh too. Especially if they include her adorable pets. I can’t wait for my package 😀


    1. I know right? ! I’m so so lucky at every turn. I could never have imagined making such beautiful friendships through a blog. It feels like the planets aligned for us star crossed bloggers at times. I made a custom request and Dani immediately went to work. Then, what seemed like a day later, KA-Pow! Done, made, posted and no doubt in the mail…LOL. I’m just a sofa-potato compared to you ladies who seem to manage a multitude of things with a smile on your face. Then there is a surprise too! Gads, all the way from Australia….hahaha, *nobody* pinch me, if this is a dream, I’m sleeping late 😀 xoxox


    1. giggles, isn’t it just awesome! Thank you for your fab compliment Leilani, I’m not as cute as all that but oh wow, you would love Dani, *she* and her furry family are the adorable ones. Kitties, gardening and crafting….remind you of anyone? 😀


  1. The bunting is cute and colors so you. I’m sure it will look light, lacy and delightful in your Boom room. My sewing room is almost ready to work in as well. Been meaning to go over and check out Teddy and Tottie. I’m almost catching my breath again. Hugs to your furbabies too.


    1. Hello…..Marlene-a-gogo…that’s todays name for you, LOL. Wonderfrau sounds too grown up today, we can be 12 whenever we want to be, hehehe.
      Hey!! you’re ready to sew (almost), that’s excellent! Should we have a ‘Sew-Off’ ?? I bought material in Maui last February and haven’t done a thing with it.

      O-oooooo, I have a Boomtastic idea!! We should pick a pattern and both sew it in our own size and fabric, but the same thing !! HEY?! Wanna see what happens? Could we possibly agree on 1 pattern? I think so. 😀 No pressure, just putting it out there. Maybe Pajama’s or something…..you think on it and let me know…hehe, I think that’d be a fun post.
      Anywho, as I ramble along I forget what I was…..oh yah, thank you and will hug the fur babies for you and tell them Marlene-a-gogo says hi xoxoxox K


      1. I have been thinking of your response to my comment for weeks now wondering if I replied or not. I read the comment about wonderfrau to my daughter and she laughed and loved it. She wants me to make a t-shirt with that emblazoned on the front. I gave it serious thought but then wondered if I could continue to live up to the title. As for a sew off, Well, give me another few weeks or so and I’ll give it some thought. I have a shirt I cut out last spring and not sure it will still fit when I finish it. I also want to make some flannel pajamas that I have fabric for. Those might fit. I’m eating too much. That lament never seems to change. I have only sewn the tiny bit at the quilt group last Tuesday. Not a drop here. I miss seeing you online and hope you are just busy having a really good time. Thinking of you with BIG HUGS. You and Alys have been the topic of many conversations I’ve had lately.

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        1. LOL, you should totally make a T-shirt Marlene! Wonderfrau might be a big hit at Octoberfest…I can see that catching on. Don’t worry one bit about living up to it either. You’re a mom of great grown up kids and doing amazing things at your new home AND writing a blog to boot….Now, I know if you could, you’d spin around a few times and be wearing some nifty little red unit….LOL. Wonderfrau !

          I’d want to find some time to blog soon. I’ve been at the store and in the yard the past two weeks quite a bit. My monthly project for work took up a week or so of spare time too, so fun but crazy. Don’t know how you manage it all so seamlessly……See! You deserve that T-shirt xoxoxox Let the sewing idea percolate for as long as you need, I’m ready if and when you are 😀


    1. (( Laurie )) you’re so nice to say this, I just think I hang with an exceptionally special gang of bloggers that I’m so happy to know. If I had a million dollars: I’d fly you all to an aqua beach house somewhere’s where the sun always shines thru dappled Palms. There’s always a breeze off the ocean to keep us comfortable. Everyone can bring pets and they have the run of the place. Well, actually I’d probably need 100 million, but that’d be the plan 😀 xoxox K


    1. Isn’t it soooooo Boomalicious? Dani seems to know exactly what a girl needs to make a room shine. I adore the whimsey. If you haven’t ever been to her blog, give it a peek if you can. She’s a doll, her kitties are very adorable and there is Tigger, who is orange. I just know Sammy would think he’s the bomb. xoxoxo K


  2. Dani has done a beautiful job of presenting your bunting Boomdee style hasn’t she? What a heart that girl has! And it is all so pretty too 🙂 What an inspired idea to get her to make you some bunting xoxo


    1. Isn’t the whole vignette positively full of Boom-atude 😀 Similar to attitude but infused with ton’s of aquaness, LOL. I’m making up all kinds of words here.

      I just don’t know how I have managed to find the nicest people in all of WordPress to hang with. It’s really something worthy of an Ellen episode but she keeps ignoring my spam, ha. I can’t wait to hang it up. So what’s the first things coming up on the retirement list? xoxox K


      1. Ellen! Wouldn’t that be fun!! I knew exactly what ‘boomatude’ meant 😀

        First things on retirement list are finishing the gifts that were started back in early March for two of my favourite blogging pals – but which due to a number of other interruptions and life changes have never been completed and part of which was eaten by a puppy in his first days of tenure here ….. sigh!!

        Have you enjoyed your new home this summer?


        1. We have enjoyed being in our own home again Pauline. We really love the back deck which looks out to very large trees across the lane because there’s no house behind us. So it’s very quiet. We’re in a very pretty area, everyone has pretty landscaping and Jim’s really making use of the cycling trails along the river. He did 53 km one day. I’m taking my time on the decorating, but did buy a gorgeous swag light that’s all shells at Pottery Barn. I’m still deciding where to hang it but I fell in love with it and couldn’t leave the store without it….LOL. At first I thought I’d use it in the dining room but it can only have 40 watt bulb and maybe too dim for there. Still lots to do as far as unpacking but I need a library system first. xooxo

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