I’ll Be Back

“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun”, or so said Mary Poppins.  I have a feeling Mary never had to do the ironing. Ugg, holy Mary Poppins, how did this happen?

Today, the Boominator (a human looking, apparently unstoppable cyborg, sent to earth to do housework) MUST tackle her least favorite chore.  We’re running out of room.  First, I make a plan of attack.  Luckily I have a few old Star Trek episode’s up my cyborg sleeve.

Look guys, it’s an episode with a kitty cat!

What? Oh, sorry I woke you.

Wait a minute, that’s no kitty cat! Look, Kirk is working his magic on her. It’s no wonder I had a  crush on him.

Oh man, this laundry pile is a crime. Boominator hates ironing, TAKE THAT!!!

Oh yah! Dreaded collared shirt’s?  No problem……

Of course the Enterprise survived to “go where no man has gone before”.  I can’t say the same for that laundry pile.  

“The Boominator’s going to the craftroom now, but I’ll be back”

While the Boominator might not come to your house,  what do you do to make housework fun?

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Lucky me, I have a dedicated craft room and currently on the Cut File Team for Paige Taylor Evans. I mostly enjoy making 12x12 layouts and Mini Albums. Thanks so much for coming by 💛

19 thoughts on “I’ll Be Back

  1. Hello! I came here via Alys’s blog Born To Organise.
    Any post that features Mary Poppins has me hooked! Ironing is a dreaded chore for me too so I choose a great film and a good glass of wine… what would Mary Poppins say?!!
    Great blog x


    1. Welcome, beinvenue. Isn’t Alys a gem? Mary said “practically perfect people never permit sentiment to muddle their thinking”. Oooops, sorry Mary. Well, I am happy to hear I wouldn’t be alone at the “Mary Poppins Fan Club”. I stopped by your gorgeous garden, I do believe that’s the most impressive raised bed garden I’ve ever seen. And it comes with kittens, even better! Though I fear I’d never get any gardening done, too busy playing with kitty. I wonder if Mary’s PJ ever made it in to the garden?


      1. Wow – thanks for the lovely compliment!
        You’ll be pleased to know that I can’t stop singing “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”! Ahhgghh! I’m not sure that Mary Poppins would approve of me wearing PJs in the garden 🙂


        1. ahhh ha, I’ll sing it too while I run off to do the mundane…more laundry. Have a wonderful day, maybe today I’ll be Cinderella “I’ll whistle while I work…la la la la la la la”


  2. I love this post!

    I also deplore ironing, so much so that I plan my wardrobe around it. I’m a knits gal or it goes to the dry cleaners. Call me lazy…but life is too short to stand over a hot iron.

    That pic of your kitties is adorable. I know that look, too: “Ah…did you need something…I’m trying to get some rest here!”

    Captain Kirk was a hotty in his day.


    1. Ha, I know right, I will do almost anything to avoid ironing. I always wonder how gals with kids get through it all. Jim wears a dress shirt most days and they take me the longest. I can’t really justify sending them out since I am at home. Petals always wants to horn her way in to Blossum’s nap time (most of the time), she does look persnickitty…hehe.

      Oh yah, C.K. !!! I bet he had lot’s of girls chasing him around town. I have 28 episodes recorded, they’re a riot to watch….”Captains Log….stardate, Tear in Time Continuum at Gamma 5, the Enterprise is now in orbit around what seems to be Earth or Earth like planet. Party of five Beaming down to investigate something called Blog’s. Phasers set to stun! Ya who wouldn’t swoon! Ha.


      1. Investigating blogs, phasers set to stun! Ha. You might just have another blog post wrapped up with that little nugget.

        When I met Mike he would spend an hour every Sunday night ironing his work shirts. He dreaded it. I found a cleaner in our area that laundered, ironed and lightly starched his shirts for $2.95 each. He regained the hour, we supported a small, local business and everyone was happy. He now has very little to iron since we live in such a casual valley. He frequently wears logo jersey shirts with his companies logo for trade shows and client visits, and they fall out of the dryer ready to wear.

        You are a dedicated wife and I am a slacker. I do wash, dry, fold and hang, but that iron sits in the cupboard for the days I find time to sew.


    1. Ugg, yes grocery shopping. Jim & I used to do it together when I worked downtown and we lived at the lake. Now it’s just the Boominator, alone. Yesterday, I wore my Ipod and listened to French Cafe music (maybe I even sang a bit because one lady was really looking at me funny), HA.


        1. :D, Do you have an Ipod? I rarely leave home without it. Especially if I’m walking. I don’t know why, but grocery stores, fashion stores and pretty much everywhere here, they crank up the music and it’s never anything I care to listen to…so I have my
          own little concert going. Thank’s again for being so sweet!


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