Laugh Louder, Smile Brighter and Live Better

Have you noticed, that since you started Blogging, you’ve made better friends with your local post office? They’re not as scary as I thought.  This one was quite tame actually 😉

A Tame Postal Worker

It seems sometimes, that the art of letter writing may go by way of the Dodo bird with all the technology we enjoy today. I just talked to Alys from Maui on my cell phone and it was like she was next door. Yet, how much fun is it to get something in the mail besides another flyer, catalogue or bill?  It’s WAY FUN!

Way Fun!

Even Alyster has been the lucky recipient of a parcel this month.  Blossum was sure it was for her and insisted on ‘helping’.

Blossum's Photo Bombs

This lovely confection arrived from his namesake and included a very cute letter, a new beach blanket, hat and manly hula skirt (one size fits all).

Treats from Alys to Alyster

Alyster and his sidekick, Romeo couldn’t wait to get to their first Hula lesson and zoomed over in their cool convertible… aqua T-bird !

Hula Lessons for Romeo

I’ve come to agree with the ol’ saying, “you don’t really know someone until you travel with them”. These two are a real treat…..Squirrel Flip-Flops?

Messy Gnomes !!!

I sent them off on their own adventure day and these are some of the photo’s I’ve received back. Looks pretty outstanding really, doesn’t it?

Gnome Island Adventures

I’m glad they have each other for company.  Friends are the people in your life that make you laugh louder, smile brighter and live better xoK

To Infinity & Beyond

Have you got something

fun in the mail lately?

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Lucky me, I have a dedicated craft room and currently on the Cut File Team for Paige Taylor Evans. I mostly enjoy making 12x12 layouts and Mini Albums. Thanks so much for coming by 💛

28 thoughts on “Laugh Louder, Smile Brighter and Live Better

  1. I remember days gone by when I would check the mailbox every day. It was exciting to get stuff in the mail. Sadly, nothing of any significance comes in the mail anymore. Even the advertisements are dull, boring, and uninteresting.


    1. I hear you. We only get mail delivery twice a week, the rest of the week, Canada Post just stops to drop off flyers which are immediately recycled. Do you get weekend mail? I was so surprised to know Alys does. Please, email me your mailing address Russel and I’ll attempt to brighten up your mailbox a wee bit.


  2. I so totally love this post!!!! I came over today to get my “happy fix” and as always, I did NOT leave disappointed! That Alyster is hilarious. Romeo is a cute straight man to his antics and those photos are a hoot. Sometimes I think Alyster and Romeo should have their own blog, although we could make Petals and Blossum think it was theirs. Your captions and word balloons are the best and the hokey pokey hula will keep me smiling for awhile! Cheers to Alys for the clever package (tell Alyster to look up the word “lava-lava”) and YES, I got something very fun in the mail just recently, from BOOMDEEVILLE, where all the best mail comes from!!! Let’s start a movement to take over the postal service with fun mail now that all the junk and spam are migrating to the internet!!! Round-robin packages, anyone?


    1. It’s fun having Alyster and Romeo around, they can say saucy things sometimes that surprise me. Sometimes I even wonder if they ARE Canadian, hehe. The parcels from Alys are always a treat, we felt really special opening one just for Alyster. Hey, haha…I just looked up ‘lava-lava’ and I think we can absolutely make that happen. I bought some material while away and planned for two more dresses…very pretty pinks and one with (of course) aqua.

      I think the Canadian Postal service is surviving purely on people like us. They claim to be verging on insolvency, but I can hardly believe it since they’re far from being a bargain. Their first class expedited air is INSANE. Who know’s who would ever use it. I’m sending a package to New Zealand and took the ‘regular delivery first class’ and get this….3 months, LOL. I was told it goes by boat and it must be a very slow one.

      But I will say, it’s so much fun to send little things to each other. It’s the brightest spot of any day to open the mail cubby and see something special in there. I’ve got a nice collection of stamps started, I think I’m on to a new hobby 😀 love and hugs! xK


    1. Thank you Sheryl ! Glad it brightened things up. Your visit does the same for me today. It’s been drizzly for three days, we’re trying to stay in holiday mode but choices are limited. Fingers crossed that we both get a sunshiny day tomorrow 😀 Cross your’s to for extra Kapow power ok?


  3. What a bright spot in a gray day. Love all your pictures of your traveling companions. Bet they aren’t screaming in restaurants or stores. And they look like they are enjoying the trip. I finally went to the mailbox on Monday afternoon bypassing it on Saturday. It’s usually empty anyway but lo and behold, there was a bright spot there too. How delightful to get a lovely postcard. It’s on my fridge now so I can visit Hawaii throughout the day. I make lots of trips:). Thank you for thinking of me. I’m enjoying the trip vicariously. XOXOXO. Hugs to all, MH


    1. Awesome ! I’m glad it arrived Marlene and put a smile on your sweet face. Alyster & Romeo generally are well behaved except for dropping their teeny tiny things around 😉 I guess in the kingdom, their garden tidy’s up but she’s on holidays too.

      Today’s windy and grey in paradise so I’m going for a manicure. The sun is to be back tomorrow though. Hope you’re enjoying what ever the day offers up. Yesterday I met a kitty here 😀 Hugs to you xK


    1. Oh ya, my little mailbox is like stepping through the looking glass…LOL. I’m always impressed that Americans get mail 7 days a week (in California anyways). We get ours twice a week and not even to the door. When I mail to Alys is gets there so quick. Canada Post is a Crown Corporation though, so they’re all about making money more than service…ugh. Cheers my dear!


    1. I thought those post cards would be a long time coming when I posed this question…LOL. It seems so self serving now. Well, I’m very glad to have made you smile, was my devious plan all along 😀 xo One more week of fun in the sun….time really seems to go slow for me, while my hubby thinks it’s going fast. I’m such a homebody, LOL.


    1. Aloha and Mahalo, he might get in the mood for a Hula, he’s been to the pool all day yesterday and got a little red. We’re just hanging in the room in the shade today 😉 Cheers Anne!


  4. What a great and typically fun post! I love snail mail………and getting packages is so fun – the last one we got was from YOU and was FULL of fun… your photos and captions – and the tiny hula skirt and flipflops are TOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!

    Hugs, Sammy


    1. Oh, well that was a rather gratuitous question then wasn’t it…LOL It is fun to get something in the mail. I practically run back home to see what it is (we don’t get mail at our door). Isn’t that hula skirt funny? I think I recognize the ribbon? Might have even used it on a project once HA. I need to make a post of just all the fun mail I’ve gotten. I got the flip-flops off a Papyrus card. You guys have a great day now, Hang Loose! xoxoK


  5. Snail mail is indeed happy mail! And I’ve noticed that if you’re nice to the post office, they tend to be nice back. At least in my experience. The two traveling buddies are a hoot!


    1. Aloha Phaery Gurl, these travel buddies are fun. Lot’s of photo ops here as it’s so gorgeous everywhere you turn. Lot’s of people don’t even use the PO anymore, it’s a shame. If we all did, it’d be much less $$ 😀 Thanks for swinging by the island!


      1. Thanks for the grass skirt and lei! Everyone complains when the price goes up, but it’s so true. Shop there more and the prices go down! And who doesn’t like getting happy mail?


  6. You are so clever with all these photos – it’s an art form all by itself I think! I can’t keep up with all the comings and goings between you and the wonderful Alys, so will just say I hope the two of you are having a great weekend – wherever you are 🙂


  7. Aw, so nice! I love snail mail as well, there’s nothing like it! And, he he he, the pic of the post office worker. It is always touch and go depending on which location I go to. I wonder if you will come back from you holiday, looks like you are having too much fun!


    1. You’re right about the Post Office, I’ve been to the ones that aren’t as happy too. I’m mean, who wouldn’t want to handle parcels and envelops all day? It’s a dream job.
      I guess we’ll have to head home at some point, don’t want to spend the retirement fund all in one fell swoop 😀 But, Carpe Diem Tis the order of the day. xoxox Thanks for popping by Catja! (hi Kitty !!!!!)


  8. (((((Boomdee))))


    oh and xoxoxoxo

    This post made my heart sing. My day keeps getting better and better and better! Your beautiful package arrived, our wonderful texts and then a phone call from Maui! What a treat!!!

    Now, this wonderful post makes me feel all warm and sentimental. Thank you, thank you.

    I’m so glad Alyster came with and that Romeo could join in this time. Where ever did you find that Hawaiian shirt? And the little umbrella drink? Clearly you’re all having the time of your life.


    1. I’m so glad you are having a specials day! Your friendship makes everyday extra special for me. I’m just by the pool with Mr B and John Lennon is playing Imagine in my ear. It’s just a perfect day really. I never imagined making such a great friend when I began blogging…..xo we just love you so much.

      Alyster came with to work on his tan, because as you mentioned, his aly-baster skin is so white. La la la….right foot in ….xo he’s waving at me, and yelling from the pool, “is that Alys?” Over and over again…. He sends his love and thanks for everything and so do I xoxoxoxoxox


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