Christmas Tree? Check!

Is there one thing you love to shop for on a vacation?  We reminisced  about the whole spoon collecting thing a while back.  While I’m not sure that’s still a big hit, I bet there’s a few clanging around peoples drawers somewhere.  Guess what?  Why not take some inspiration from this talented Aussie, Suzie Stanford.  Suzie creates ‘one of’ designs from things she collects or recycles.

Suzie Stanford spoon Art

Click here to see some of Suzie’s fabulous collection, you’ll be blown away

Sorry, no spoons hanging around Boomdeeadda, I usually buy a pretty scarf or a Christmas ornament when we travel.  Mr B has the knack for spotting those ‘Christmas Stores’ 😉  There’s one in almost every town or if you’re lucky to travel at Christmas, even better.

I’ve managed to collect some of my favourite ornaments from some of our favourite places.

Buckingham Palace – London, England

Buckingham Palace

Eiffel Tower – Paris, France

Eiffel Tower - Paris

Swan – Salzburg, Austria

Salzburg Swan

Arch de Triumph – Paris & Big Ben – London

I see London, I see France, I see Boomdee's Underpants...giggle

Remember that giant Christmas tree at The Del Coronado I drooled over last week? Many of the gorgeous ornaments were available in their gift shop.  Naturally, I made my way back there. After much consideration, I fell for this o’so-precious sea lion. I love her!

Sea Lion - California

Every year, when the ornaments come out, we love thinking back to where we were when we collected each and every cherished bauble. Some are treasures from my hubby, like Mr & Mrs Snowman, the first ornament he ever bought me.

Mr & Mrs Boomdee

 I’m afraid I got a little carried away on this tiny tree.  I just couldn’t decide what to leave off. Here’s some of my other favourites, old and new (click on the photo collage to enlarge).

My Favourites

Well, you know life is good when you fall behind on Christmas preparations due to a fabulous trip that includes palm trees and sunshine, but I happily can cross one more thing off the list.

Boomdeeadda Bling

Christmas tree? Check.

Be Good Petals

PS, Petals has just gotten a heart to heart about mom’s precious treasures.

What do you love to put on your tree?

Related @ WordPress

Say Yes To Happy – Waiting For Christmas

Gardening Nirvana – Decorating The Tree – Garden Themed Favorites

Clowie’s Corner – Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

The Pyjama Gardener – Christmas Is Coming

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Lucky me, I have a dedicated craft room and currently on the Cut File Team for Paige Taylor Evans. I mostly enjoy making 12x12 layouts and Mini Albums. Thanks so much for coming by 💛

34 thoughts on “Christmas Tree? Check!

    1. That’s really nice of you, thanks Sunshine. I bought this little tree when Woodward’s closed in ’93 and sold off their display stuff. It’s about 4.0 tall but I always put it into this pale yellow wash tub and raise it up on something. Saves from breaking anything with the vacuum cleaner. I’ve collected these ornaments from all over the world and back. Yard sales and antique malls too. I don’t have too many sets, but I like that they don’t match. I like the vintage ones or new ones that have a vintage feel. The new trees are so much nicer with built in lights. That’d save your dad from doing that. 🙂


  1. The tree is beautiful! I love the vintage ornaments. . . but you’ve got me trying to remember what I did with my spoon collection. I don’t think that I’ve seen it in 25 or 30 years.


    1. Thanks Sheryl, I guess even the ones I bought 25 years ago could be called vintage now…LOL

      Wow, the mystery of the hidden spoons…sounds like one for Nancy Drew. 30 more years from now, they’ll just turn up and you’ll be all set to build a wind chime..might be nice on the porch.


  2. Oh my goodness, will you look at that tree. I’ve been waiting patiently for this post. Love, love, love your vintage ornaments.

    The kitty is so cute, and the seal is so you. And a hummer…with my name attached. To cute for words! I can’t quite make out the San Diego ornament. Can you describe it in more detail? It looks right at home with the others, doesn’t it.

    Petals…that face. 🙂


    1. Thanks a whole bunch Alys….it’s a bit much isn’t it. I had so many I couldn’t fit, but next year! That San Diego ornament is hard to see isn’t it. It’s a little white vintage suitcase with a wreath of flowers and 2012 in sparkly printing. A little nod to our trip, you’re so dear to ask. ❤ I actually bought the Hummingbird in Edmonton just a week or so before our trip, it reminded me of you and I had to have it.
      Now that I look at the Sea lion again, does it look a little smug? LOL. We got out to La Jolla to see the sea lions on our last trip. So a little reminder of that.
      Petals is being so very good, I was a wee bit worried about the dangling ones. That heart to heart really took hold…giggle. Thanks for your awesome message (((Cali girl))).


  3. Great tree, and love ur collection of decorations. Love the chandiller from the collection of spoons – I have quite a collection- have been colecting for 50 some years. LUL


  4. Brilliant idea for the spoons. Mine and moms are together in a box. I left the spoon rack on the wall when I left my home. Now I have a good idea what to do with them. I like collecting ornaments too. You just need a bigger tree for all of them. My favorite is the vintage boot with the skate. I collected mostly clear glass ornaments for years or lacey angels. I also stuffed bundles of babys breath tied with ribbon into the branches to look like snow. This year, I’m lucky to have the tree up. But it’s a great Christmas none the less. Your tree looks spectacular! Have a Merry, Merry Christmas!:)


    1. Thanks for sharing your Christmas Tree traditions Marlene. The baby’s breath bundles sound pretty and romantic. I love that old skate too because it’s aqua and because it’s a nod to my girlhood…I used to take lessons.
      Isn’t Suzie a genius with old stuff? If you follow the link, you’ll see all the furniture she recovers in old table cloths and tea towels….I would die for any one of her pieces. I think the spoon chandelier would be totally doable for a home DIY…just a drill and some clear tie. I’ve seen old silverware made into wind chimes, sooo cute. Thanks for your message and I hope your holidays are brilliant! x


  5. Absolutely stunning & beautiful! I love those old vintage ornaments! My mother had so many of them and I wish I could fill my entire tree with them. Christmas is in full bloom at your house for sure! I would sit and stare at your tree for hours!


    1. Thanks Valerie, I’m still collecting all the time. Especially if it’s a pink one. I was so inspired with Christmas Joy I sat and had my first Eggnog & Rum. It’s so naughty, LOL I actually buy 1/2 cal nog and mix it half & half with skim milk….it was still delish. I wish I could bring my tall tree from storage, but something to look forward too, hopefully next year. Thanks for all your messages, I really look forward to them. x


        1. Hehe, how am I ever going to lose weight? I haven’t been to Weight Watchers in over a month….this is my little daily efforts….doctoring my alcoholic drinks…go team! Ra!


        2. Yummy, I love shortbread. Jim’s mom used to send a tin of ‘whipped shortbread’. I can’t even fathom how many calories in them. They’d melt in your mouth.

          OK, January, I’ll pen that in…Gack is right!


    1. Thanks Midcentury! I’m really behind but luckily I’m of Ukrainian heritage and I can legally leave it up at least till Jan 7th, HAAA it will probably hang around until Feb 1. Do you leave up your decor for a while?


      1. I take mine down once the holiday is over. This year I’m really in the holiday mode so maybe she’ll get a few more days than normal!


  6. Your tree is SO beautiful and your baubles are gorgeous (I’m literally squealing!!). As for the spoons being made into a chandelier…. that’s where they all go!!! I never seem to know where spoons or scissors disappear to in this house! LOL!


    1. Thanks PJ, it’s a bit much but I’m enjoying it. We actually have a 7.5 foot tree but it’s in a storage locker. There’s no room in our rental presently.

      LOL, it’s a conundrum in every home I should think….where are the scissors? They should make them with a bell or sound that comes on if you clap, I saw that for car keys once. I even bought a drawer tray with pictures in it. There’s a cubby for measuring tape, stamps, pens, batteries and of course scissors. Then you open the drawer and voila, a picture of scissors is staring up at you…dang, where are the scissors.


      1. Alys the organizer suggests buying certain things in multiples. Buy a pair of scissors for each room (as long as you don’t have children under three that might get hurt), and buy in a different color if possible. Red for the kitchen, green for the laundry room, blue for the bathroom, etc. You’ll always have a pair handy. I do the same with lip balm, Kleenex and paper and pens.


        1. That’s just the best tip ever. You would think in this little condo that it wouldn’t be an issue…I lost my craft scissors for two days and found them in my Jewelry box…??? ya, I had bought a new blouse for vacation and used them in the closet to cut the tag off…then put them down to pack something else…….I swear, I need one of those recording devices that I can talk into and play back….I’m putting the Dollar store on my list…You need to come organize me Alys 😉


        2. Those recording devices are such a great idea. I’m glad you found your craft scissors.

          I have three small seam ripper that I keep handy for tag removal: one in my jewelry box, one in the laundry room drawer and one in my sewing box. Tags drive me crazy so I remove all of them be for a wear anything. I love the garments with the “label” stamped on the inside.


        3. OMG, Alys! Are you sure we’re not related? I’ve been known to wear things inside-out just to avoid the scratchy tag. Is it some kind of conspiracy with the garment makers? LOL. I like that seam ripper idea, add that to the list. I’ve bought a few of those T’s with the stamp rather than label…yes brilliant!


        4. Separated at birth, I’m sure of it!

          Yes, those things drive me nuts. Years ago I actually tore two holes in the back of a sweater after sitting in an interminable meeting and going nuts with the tags. I just yanked it out.

          It seems it would be far cheaper for the manufacturers, too. No extra sewing, thread, materials, etc. Just stamp and you’re done.


        5. Yep, holes in clothes…check! It’s like they find the cheapest, sharpest pieces of cloth…probably left over from NASA, and make a tag. I can’t even read the print on them anymore it’s so small. 🙂


        6. LOL! NASA. You crack me up. I think the ancient Egyptians had the right idea. Dip a pieced of soft linen in water, wrap it to form fit your body and done. Nothing to rub, poke, pinch or chafe. They probably were far more forgiving of bodies, too then we are. Curses on the media, Photoshop, airbrushing and the like.


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